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BSAP-62(3), Dougherty County, and PR-6794, Franklin County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The project was located on the Red Hill 7.5' U.S.G.S. topographic map. The site files at Georgia State University and the University of Georgia showed no archaeological sites in the vicinity of the project. Upon inspection, the immediate area surrounding the bridge proved to be pasture except for a plowed field, approximately 60 meters, immediately northwest of the bridge (figure 3). A surface inspection of this field was conducted utilizing 10 closely spaced transects along its long axis (NE to SW), affording some 2400 sq.. meters of excellent surface exposure. The only cultural materials observed were ceramic sherds and glass fragments of modern manufacture. The stream banks were inspected revealing no cultural materials or evidence of aboriginal occupation. When questioned, the landowner stated that to the best of her knowledge, no prehistoric or historic artifacts had ever been recovered from the fields surrounding the project area. No deep subsurface testing was conducted, primarily because the alluvium seemed too thin and limited in area to conceal an archaeological site. Photographs of the project area will be forwarded at a later date. Considering the small size of both the proposed culvert and the floodplain, the area of concern in a 404 permit, it was predicted that no archaeological sites eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places would be found within the impact area of the project. The results of surface inspection indicate that this is the case and that construction of the project will not affect the cultural resources of the State.