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I-675, Soapstone Ridge, Sites 9Da 125 and 9 CN 45

Report Number
Year of Publication

Artifactual evidence from this site is meager indeed.. The surface collection included a piece of worked light grey chert and two quartz flakes. A single quartz flake was found in 4S, OE. No conclusions about time period, site type, etc. can really be formed on. this evidence, and lithic station of undetermined period seems the best characterization.. Sites such as 9 Cn 45 are common in Piedmont area of Georgia. If Alternate A for 1-675 is chosen, 9 Cn 45 will be primarily impacted by the project. It is unclear at present if the floodplains of Big Cotton Indian and Upton Creeks were sub-surface tested during Dr. Dickens' survey. If they were not, sub-surface testing should bedone in these locations, because of the possibility that material from the eroded 9 Cn 45 may have been redeposited on the floodplains. The floodplains might also have destinct buried cultural strata unrelated to 9 Cn 45. It is the opinion of the staff archaeologist that neither 9 Da 125 or 9 Cn 45 is eligible for the National Register according to the criteria set by 36CRF800.10.