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A Cultural Resource Assessment Survey for the Proposed Expansion of the Lamar County Landfill,Lamar County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

During June 1997, an intensive cultural resource assessment survey was conducted of an approximately 145 acre tract in Lamar County, Georgia. Work was conducted prior to the planned expansion of the existing Lamar County Landfill, with the goals of locating and assessing the significance of cultural resources within the tract. Much of the property has been previously disturbed by the existing landfill, by recent clearcutting in some areas, and by extensive erosion throughout the property as a result of timbering. The survey included a through pedestrian inspection of the property, with subsurface testing in areas with little or no surface visibility that had the potential to contain sites and intact soils. Shovel testing was most intensive in noneroded areas with proximity to water, although there is no permanent water within the study area. Due to previous disturbances, the northern, eastern, and southern portions of the property were the only areas where subsurface testing was warranted. As a result of the survey, three isolated prehistoric artifact finds were made. These artifacts consisted of quartz debitage and biface fragments that were recovered from the surface in eroded areas. No artifacts were recovered from any of the subsurface tests near these finds, or in other locations throughout the tract. No prehistoric or historic sites or structures were present within the study area. It is recommended that the expansion of the existing facility be allowed to proceed without additional concern for significant cultural resources.