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Archaeological Testing and National Register of Historic Places Evaluations of the Tick (9LW52) and Tock (9LW67) Sites, Moody Air Force Base, Lowndes County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Phase II archaeological testing for National Register of Historic Places eligibility was conducted at sites 9LW52 and 9LW67 (the Tick and Tock sites, respectively), in Lowndes County as part of the land management responsibilities of Moody AFB, Georgia. The evaluation of each site was conducted with a combination of systematic, close-interval (10-meter interval) shovel testing and judgmentally placed test excavation units. The results of the testing indicate that both sites have mixed components that have wide ranging dates (Early Archaic through Mississippian). Two possible prehistoric post molds were identified at the Tock Site, however were shown to have significant contamination issues. Due to the mixing of components, lack of features, and questionable radiocarbon dates, the contextual integrity at both sites is suspect, and additional excavations will not reveal any additional research value. Therefore, both sites are recommended as not eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.