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Fourth Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Survey of One Overpass Improvement and Three Interchange Modifications Along I-75, Tift County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

1. A relocated driveway access for UGA College of Agriculture was initially proposed (and included in the CE) from US 41 at the northwest corner of their property. However, after further coordination with UGA, driveway access is now proposed from CR 410/Brighton Road near the proposed I-75 southbound ramps intersection. An 8,325.42 square foot area from existing CR 410/Brighton Road ROW (owned by Tift County) was transferred over to UGA. This allows the proposed driveway to stay within the revised UGA property limits. As a result of this change, Stream # 3A falls outside project limits and additional ROW is not required along US 41 north of CR 410/Brighton Road intersection. 2. Required ROW was revised on the north side of CR 410/Brighton Road between approximately Sta. 1 000+30 to Sta. 1 008+00 to avoid impacts to UGA's experimental plant field and to accommodate an underground gas line (to be installed by UGA outside the scope of this project). This decreased the required ROW width range on CR 410/Brighton Road from between 140 feet and 210 feet to between 80 feet and 180 feet. 3. Revised limited access on Brighton Road, east of I-75. Limited access extends from northbound ramps intersection for 300 feet on the right side and 300 feet on the left side of Brighton Road. The proposed limited access was previously 333 feet from the ramp intersection. 4. Minor revision to Parcel 3 driveway - driveway shifted from Sta 1029+ 10 LT to Sta 1029+53 LT. 5. An additional driveway and easement was added to Parcel 4 at CR 247/Carrington Drexler Road Sta 1525+00 LT. 6. An additional driveway and easement was added to Parcel 6 at CR 247/Carrington Drexler Road Sta. 1531+73 RT. 7. Reduced the Required ROW corridor along proposed CR 247/Carrington Drexler Road, resulting in reduced take from Parcels 4 and 6. 8. Project limit increased on the east end of Brighton Road by 50.44 feet to allow for maintenance of local traffic during construction. As a result the length of widening along Brighton Road from US 41 intersection to limit of construction increased from 0.62 mile to 0.63 mile. 9. As a result of the revisions to the required ROW widths and the modification of driveway easements, the overall acreages of required ROW and easement have changed. The total amount of required ROW decreased from 65 acres to 64 acres. The total amount of permanent easement decreased from 1.56 acres to 1.52 acres. The total amount of temporary construction easement decreased from 0.16 acre to 0.074 acre. The total amount of temporary driveway easement decreased from 5.07 acres to 1.08 acres.