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Phase I Archaeological survey for the Improvements to the Northbound Off-ramp of Interstate I-75 Interchange with SR 2/US 41 (Old Dixie Road0 in Clayton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would involve operational improvements to the northbound off-ramp of Interstate 75 (1-75) interchange with SR 3/US 41 (Old Dixie Road} in Clayton County. Currently, Old Dixie Road is a four-lane, divided roadway with a center two-way left-turn lane and operates at a speed limit of 40 miles per hour (mph). The existing northbound off-ramp consists of one 12-foot lane as the off-ramp leaves the interstate. As the ramp approaches the intersection with Old Dixie Road, the roadway widens at a point approximately 200 feet from the intersection to provide three 12-foot lanes: one left-turn only, one shared through/left, and one right turn lane. Currently, the intersection of the off-ramp with Old Dixie Road provides limited storage for the ramp's heavily-utilized left-turn movement, resulting in queues blocking upstream vehicles. This impacts the overall operation of the ramp and intersection. The proposed project would involve construction of an additional 12-foot lane at the intersection of the off-ramp with Old Dixie Road. This additional lane would be approximately 280 feet in length, placed on the south side of the existing outermost left-turn lane, and located within the existing right-of-way (ROW) for the interchange. The resulting configuration would create four lanes that consist of a dual left, one through and one right turn lane on northbound approach.