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Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Proposed McIntosh Road Bridge Replacement Fayette and Spalding Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

GT Hill Planners Corporation conducted a Phase I Archaeological Survey for the proposed McIntosh Road bridge replacement over the Flint River in Spalding and Fayette Counties on behalf of Kennedy Engineering Associates. This project proposes to replace the existing structurally deficient bridge on Fayette County Road (CR) 360/McIntosh Road/Spalding County CR 502 over the Flint River. The APE of the proposed project is the existing 80-foot wide right-of-way on McIntosh Road and an additional 20 feet on each side for easements, as well as a 100-foot expanded survey corridor. The length of the APE is approximately 1,300 feet. According to the Georgia Archaeological Site File, no previously recorded archaeological sites would be affected by the proposed project. The APE was examined by pedestrian survey and was shovel tested with four transects and 51 tests. None of the shovel tests were positive. One archaeological site 9SP201/9FY193 was found during the present study. It consists of an early 20th century bridge site that is attested by the presence of two abutments one on each side of the Flint River. Site 9SP201/9FY193 is recommended not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Site 9SP201/9FY193 was evaluated under Criterion A for significance in the area of exploration/settlement. Although the historic McIntosh Trail was likely located in the vicinity of the bridge abutments, the late 19th to early 20th structures have no association with that important 19th century route. There is no evidence to support the association of the current bridge location and the historic alignment of the McIntosh Trail. Site 9SP201/9FY193 was evaluated under Criterion C for significance in the area of engineering. The bridge is a typical example of a common type of late 19th to early 20th century bridge abutment, and the structure lacks the integrity of features to serve as an especially good or representative example. Site 9SP201/9FY193 was evaluated under Criterion D, and the site lacks the potential to contribute to an understanding of history because of the lack of intact archaeological deposits and features. Therefore, no known archaeological resources eligible for the National Register are located within the APE for the proposed project. No further archaeological testing is recommended. However, if site conditions or planned construction conditions change (i.e., new location, increased in project area, etc.), additional survey would be required.