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Addendum to the Phase I Archaeological Survey of SR 38/US 84/US 221/East Hill Avenue at CR 439/Clay Road and CS 1271/Hollywood Street Intersection Improvements, Lowndes County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project is located approximately 4 miles east of I-75 in Valdosta in Lowndes County, Georgia. The project would consist of realigning CR 439/Clay Road (Clay Road) to tie into CS 1271/Hollywood Street (Hollywood Street), installing a traffic signal at this realigned intersection with State Route 38/US 84/US 221/East Hill Avenue (SR 38), and adding turn lanes on each approach except Hollywood Street. The proposed project would also incorporate bicycle facilities along SR 38 in accordance with the South Georgia Regional Development Center Bike and Pedestrian Plan. The project limits would extend approximately 1,229 feet west and 671 feet east of the realigned intersection on SR 38, approximately 740 feet south on Clay Road, approximately 130 feet north on Hollywood Street, and approximately 242 feet west of Clay Road on East Savannah Road. The total project 1ength would be approximately 3,012 feet (0.57 mile). The current intersections are unsignalized with stop sign controls on Clay Road and Hollywood Street. Clay Road currently intersects SR 38 approximately 50 feet east of Hollywood Street, creating an offset intersection. State Route 38 is an urban arterial route with four 12-foot travel lanes, curb and gutter, and no pedestrian accommodations within 80 feet of ROW. Clay Road is an urban collector street with two 12-foot lanes and rural shoulders within 80 feet of ROW. Hollywood Street is an urban local road with two 12-foot lanes and urban border areas within 50 feet of ROW. East Savannah Road is a local road with two 9-foot lanes and rural shoulders within 45 feet of ROW. The posted speed limit is 45 mph on SR 38, 40 mph on Clay Road, 30 mph on Hollywood Street, and 25 mph on East Savannah Road. The proposed project would realign Clay Road approximately 50 feet to the west to intersect SR 38 at the existing Hollywood Street intersection, and a traffic signal would be installed at the realigned intersection. East Savannah Road would also be realigned to tie into relocated Clay Road at an appropriate intersection skew. The proposed typical section for SR 38 would be four 12-foot travel lanes, a 12-foot eastbound and westbound left turn lane, a 12-foot eastbound and westbound right-turn lane, two 4-foot bicycle lanes, curb and gutter, and a 5-foot sidewalk on the north side within 140 feet to 160 feet of right-of-way. The proposed typical section for Hollywood Street would remain two 12-foot lanes and urban border areas with 2-foot curb and gutter within 50 feet of right-of-way. The proposed typical section for Clay Road would be two 12-foot lanes with a 12-foot northbound right-turn lane and 8-foot rural shoulders (4 feet paved) within variable right-of-way up to 170 feet in width . The proposed typical section for East Savannah Road would be two 12-foot lanes with 8-foot rural shoulders (2 feet paved) within 90 feet of ROW. A fence easement approximately five feet in width would be required to reconstruct an existing fence along the west side of Clay Road north of East Savannah Road and along the north side of East Savannah Road . Temporary driveway easements up to 25 feet in width would be required along SR 38 and Clay Road. To meet Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) requirements, a detention basin would be constructed on the north side of SR 38 approximately 800 feet west of the intersection. The detention basin would be within a required ROW area approximately 315 feet east to west by 285 feet north to south.