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McKivergan, David A.

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
1159 McKivergan, David A. A Passport in Time in the Blue Ridge Mountains: Phase II Testing at Weedy Flat Towns County, Georgia

Weedy Flat is a multicomponent site located in Georgia' s Blue Ridge Mountains.

Towns 1993
1199 McKivergan, David A. A Passport in Time in the Piedmont Province: Phase II Testing at the Farmer / Kimball Rockshelter

The Farmer/Kimbell Rockshelter (also known as the Marked Rock Shelter) is a multicomponent site located in the Piedmont uplands of northeast Georgia.

Stephens 1994
1461 McKivergan, David A. Cultural Resources Survey of Southern Pine Beetle-damaged Timber Salvage at Fort Stewart in Bryan, Evans, Liberty, Long, and Tattnall Counties, Georgia

In late 1994 and most of 1995, it became apparent to the Fort Stewart timber managers that the installation was undergoing Southern Pine Beetle (SPB) infestations of epidemic proportions.

Bryan 1996
1603 McKivergan, David A., Helms, Michael Clayton Archaeological Survey of a 147.4 Hectare Portion of Training Area D-16 at Fort Stewart, Long County, Georgia

This research was supported in part by an appointment to the Postgraduate Environmental Management Participation Program at the U.S. Army Environmental Center (USAEC) administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education through an interagency agreement between the U. S.

Long 1997
1687 McKivergan, David A. 1997-1998 Cultural Resources Surveys of Southern Pine Beetle-Damaged Timber Salvage at Fort Stewart, In Bryan, Evan, Liberty, Long and Tatnall Counties, Georgia

During 1997 and early 1998 Fort Stewart, Georgia underwent Southern Pine Beetle infestations of epidemic proportions.

Bryan 1998
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