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White, Nancy Marie

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
485 White, Nancy Marie Archaeological Survey at Lake Seminole

Cultural resources survey and evaluation was conducted in the Lake Seminole Project Area, Gadsden and Jackson Counties, Florida and Seminole and Decatur Counties, Georgia, by the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, under contract with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District.

Seminole 1981
723 Bracken, William L., Snow, Frankie, Trowell, Christopher T., White, Nancy Marie Archaeological Investigations in Telfair County, Georgia, 1985

This report documents an archaeological investigation of the fair “mound,” 9TF2, and other prehistoric sites in Telfair County, Georgia, during the spring of 1985. The project was supported in part by a federal historic preservation grant from the U.S.

Telfair 1986
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