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Archaeological Data Recovery at 269 and 9CL270, H.C. (Hill) Seaton Reservoir, Carroll County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In October and November 2001, TRC conducted archaeological data recovery excavations at 9CL269 and 9CL270 located in Carroll County, Georgia. The investigations were undertaken on behalf of Carroll County Water Authority in advance of the construction of H.C. (Hill) Seaton Reservoir on Snake Creek in the Chattahoochee River valley. Excavations at the sites included close interval shovel testing, test unit excavation, machine-assisted removal of the plowzone over large areas, and feature excavation. Geomorphic studies were also conducted. Both sites are multi-component, with primary occupations that date to the Woodland period. The primary occupations of 9CL269 occurred during the Early Woodland and early Middle Woodland periods. A date range between approximately 2600-2000 years before present (B.P.) was obtained for those occupations. A less intensive historic Creek occupation was also discovered that probably dates to the Lawson Field phase (A.D. 1715-1836). A Late Archaic component may also be present at 9CL269, but is not attributable to a particular phase. A brief visit to the site occurred during the Early Archaic period. During the Early Woodland occupations, the site appears to have been repeatedly used by a small group, creating a succession of shelters and facilities, distributed across the landform with no internal coherence. The primary occupations at 9CL270 occurred during the Early Woodland period and the Middle Woodland Cartersville phase. Radiocarbon dates indicate that the Early Woodland materials represent a single occupation that occurred around 2500 B.P. Occupations inferred from very few diagnostics include Early Archaic, Middle Archaic, and probably Late Archaic periods. Based on the smaller number of features and an Early Woodland assemblage that includes artifacts targeted at mast processing activities, it appears that the Early Woodland component at 9CL270 reflects special-purpose temporary site use.