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Revised Management Summary of Archaeological Data Recovery Results at 9CL269 and 9CL270, H.C. (Hill) Seaton Reservoir, Carroll County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This management summary presents the preliminary results of data recovery investigations at sites 9CL269 and 9CL270 in Carroll County, Georgia, located within the proposed pool of the H.C. (Hill) Seaton Reservoir. The flooding of the reservoir will have an adverse effect on the sites' deposits, and data recovery investigations were implemented to mitigate the adverse effects of the flooding. Excavations were conducted by TRC Garrow Associates (TRC) between the dates of October 10 and November 26, 2001. The primary goal of this document is to demonstrate that conditions and requirements in the Memorandum of Agreement relating to field investigations have been met. This is accomplished by explaining our methods, and providing a preliminary account of our results. Since laboratory analyses are currently in progress, however, the archaeological record is only discussed in general terms. Specific details concerning components, artifacts and their distributions, subsistence remains, site formation processes, and other important archaeological information will be presented in the Technical Report.