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Phase I Archaeological Resources Survey of the West Point Interchange Tracts, Troup County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Brockington and Associates, Inc. conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey of two tracts (totaling approximately 680 acres) for the proposed West Point Interchange in Troup County, Georgia, between 5 and 16 June 2006. This report discusses only the archaeologic 1 resources from this project. Refer to Reynolds (2006) for details concerning the historical architectural resources recorded during this investigation. The purpose of the survey was to identify all cultural resources (i.e.- archaeological sites, historic properties) within the proposed project tract and to provide National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility recommendations. This investigation was conducted for the Georgia Department of Economic Development on behalf of Wetland & Ecological Consultants, LLC, in compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The archaeological survey resulted in the identification of seven previously unrecorded archaeological sites, one previously recorded archaeological site, two historic cemeteries, and three isolated finds. Site 9TP990, which was previously recorded during a Phase I cultural resources survey for the West Point Economic Tract, has been recommended as potential eligible for the NRHP. We recommend avoidance of this site, however, if avoidance is not possible then Phase II archaeological testing should be conducted at these sites to determine a definitive RHP eligibility status. The two cemeteries, although not eligible for the NRHP, are protected b Georgia Burial Codes (including the Abandoned Cemeteries Act, the Graves Protection and Repatriation Bill, and the Cemetery Relocation Bill). Avoidance and preservation of these cemeteries is recommended. However, if avoidance is not feasible we recommend creation of a cemetery relocation plan in accordance with requirements and guidelines established by the State of Georgia i.e. the Georgia Burial Codes: Code Sections 36-72-1 through 16,44-12-260 through 264, 12-3-52 t ough 53, 12-3-620 through 622, 31-21-6,31-21-45,44-12-280 through 285). The remaining seven archaeological sites and three isolated finds do not exhibit any research potential and are recommended not eligible for the NRHP. Further management consideration for these seven sites is not warranted.