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A Cultural Resource Assessment Survey for the Proposed FSL Landfill, Forsyth County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In April 1996, a cultural resource assessment survey was conducted of an undeveloped tract (approximately 500 acres) above the western floodplain of the Etowah River in Forsyth County, Georgia. The archaeological investigation included subsurface testing combined with a pedestrian survey throughout the project area. In addition, map studies coupled with field investigation were used to identify and locate former roads and historic structures older than 50 years. This report describes the environmental and cultural setting of the project vicinity, provides a review of previous archaeological research in the area, and discusses field and laboratory methods and the results of the investigation. Fieldwork resulted in the recording of 21 archaeological sites (9F0279-299) and 7 isolated prehistoric artifact occurrences within the project area. Of these, two prehistoric sites (9F0282 and 9F0285) are considered potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Both sites are outside the area of proposed impact, and will be preserved in place through a management plan and Memorandum of Agreement. Additional archaeological work at these sites is recommended to determine their National Register eligibility status if they are to be threatened for any reason in the future.

In addition to sites within .the project area, a 19th-20th century cemetery (9F0300) located outside the tract was also recorded. In consultation with the office of the SHPO, this cemetery, as well as 3 previously inventoried structures along Hightower Road (F0-00-233, 234, and 236) are recommended as eligible for listing in the National Register Of Historic Places. All four were originally considered to be outside the project Area of Potential Effect (APE).

However, consultation with the SHPO indicated a concern for the effect of noise, associated with landfill construction and use, upon one of the structures designated F0-00-236. Accordingly, a noise study was performed following the standards of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the noise levels were found to be less than those considered significant.