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Englewood Plain


Named by Gordon Willey for material from the Englewood Mound, 8So1, in Sarasota County, Florida. In Bullen (1967) the type is said to be "not a useful type, should be discarded". No one to our knowledge has used this name in Georgia, but it may occur in extreme southern Georgia. It probably is a type that can be ignored and is listed here simply for completeness.

Sorting Criteria

Plain sand-tempered pottery. Vessel forms include boat-shaped bowls, simple open bowls, and ollas or jars with short out-flared collars. Rim forms are direct, incurved, and may have marginal thickening.

Geographical Range
Sarasota County, Florida, and surrounding regions.
Chronological Range
Overlapping Weeden Island II and Safety Harbor periods.
Surface Treatment