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Phase II Archaeological and Historical Evaluation of 9ME238, Muscogee County, Georgia.

Report Number
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In November 1996, Phase II archaeological and historical investigations were conducted at 9ME238 by Brockington and Associates, Inc. Site 9ME238 is an early to middle nineteenth century farmstead located in eastern Muscogee County, Georgia, southwest of the State Route 22/US Highway 80 (SR 22/US 80) crossing of Kendall Creek. This site had been previously recommended potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Phase II archaeological investigations consisted of site vegetation clearing, mapping, and test unit excavation. Historical research included investigation of property history and historical land use. Cultural resources evaluation of 9ME238 indicate that this site should not be considered eligible for the NRHP. Historic and prehistoric artifacts are mixed throughout the plowzone and sub-plowzone. Archaeological deposits are disturbed and there is extremely limited potential for intact subsurface features. Background historical research could not determine a specific site occupant. No additional cultural resources investigations are recommended, and clearance for proposed highway widening is advised.