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Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) at Love Nolan, Sandtown Middle, and Seaborn Lee Elementary

Report Number
Year of Publication

This project consists of pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure improvements in south Fulton County in the vicinity of Love T. Nolan Elementary, Sandtown Middle, and Seaborn Lee Elementary. The project will improve pedestrian accessibility and connectivity through the installation of new sidewalks, school zone flashing beacons, and signs. All improvements will be constructed with the existing right-of-way (ROW). Improvements at each specific location are as follows: 1) Love T. Nolan Elementary School: On Greenbower Lane, installation of a new 5-ft. sidewalk from the Fox Hall North lane to Creel Road intersection along the west side of the street for approximately 935 ft.; On Greenbower lane, install a new 5-ft. sidewalk from the Creel Road intersection south to Circle Court for approximately 875 ft.; On Peppermill Road, install 5-ft. sidewalk along the east side of the road for approximately 300ft.; reconstruction of pedestrian ramps to be ADA compliant. 2) Sandtown Middle School: Widening of the existing 5-ft. sidewalk in front of the school for continuity and consistency with an existing 10-ft. wide trail; extension of the 10-ft. trail from Sandtown Middle School to Wallace Road; reconstruction of pedestrian ramps to be ADA compliant. 3) Seaborn Lee Elementary School: Creation of a pedestrian crosswalk at the entrance of the Glens @ Creekside subdivision; installation of ADA-compliant ramps; installation of new 5-ft. sidewalk along the school frontage on the south side of Scarborough Road for approximately 250ft.