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San Marcos Stamped


This time was originally defined by Hale Smith. Named for Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine, Florida.

Sorting Criteria

Stamping on sand / grit-tempered pottery. Sometimes the interior of this type is found to be painted orange with or without black-painted lines. The stamping of the pottery may be a combination of simple, check, and complicated designs occurring on a single vessel. Simple and check stamping may occur without the complicated stamping. Simple stamping may occur alone as well as with complicated and check stamping. Simple stamping was the majority stamping type for this type from 1686 A.D. to 1750 A.D. at St. Augustine. The simple stamped sherds exhibit little overlap in the stamped designs. The stamping runs at right angles to the adjoining impressions. Cross stamping often occurs. Complicated stamped motifs are concentric arcs, concentric circles with or without a raised interior dot, simple stamping with a square or circle in one corner having a raised dot inside, interlocking guilloche stamping, concentric rectilinear diamond designs the interior of which is composed of two parallel lines of medium checks. Vessel forms are small to large globular vessels and shallow bowls. Rims are slightly flaring or straight and may be folded. At the base of folded rims there is sometimes blunt or hollow reed punctations. The rims of shallow bowls are sometimes incised. Stamping sometimes occurs on folds of rims.

Geographical Range
Florida near the St. Augustine region and perhaps into extreme southeastern Georgia.
Chronological Range
Historic 17th to 18th centuries.