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Mustonen, Heather

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
8124 Mustonen, Heather Sixth Addendum Survey of the I-75 Interchange Reconstruction at CR410/Brighton Road

The current survey represents the seventh survey and sixth addendum report for the project. Previous surveys were conducted by EPEI for the overpass improvement and interchange modifications along I-75.

Lumpkin County, GA 2014
8171 Mustonen, Heather Intersection Improvements, SR 20 at CR 26/Bell Road, Rockdale County

The proposed project, located at the intersection of SR 20/McDonough Highway and CR 26/Bell Road, proposed to add an exclusive northbound 12-ft wide, 100-ft long left turn lane from SR 20 onto Bell Road by symmetrical widening.

Barrow County, GA 2013
8193 Mustonen, Heather Bridge Replacements- CR 307 /Old SR 3 over Raccoon Creek, Raccoon Creek Overflow, and Wethington Slough

The proposed projects would replace three bridges carrying CR 307/Old SR 3 over Raccoon Creek (PI 0005877), Raccoon Creek Overflow (PI 0005876), and Wethington Slough (PI 0005873), approximately 1.3 miles south of Baconton, Mitchell County, Georgia.

Appling County, GA 2013
8202 Mustonen, Heather Interchange Reconstruction - Interstate 75 at SR 27, Dooly County

The proposed project would replace the existing SR 27 bridge over 1-75 on new alignment with a 346-foot long by 71.25-foot wide structure. The proposed typical section of SR 27 would include two 12-foot travel lanes with 4-foot paved shoulders and 6-foot grass shoulders.

Dooly County, GA 2014
8208 Mustonen, Heather SR 73 from South of CR 797/Tillman Street to SR 26/US 80, Statesboro, Georgia

The proposed maintenance project proposes to mill, resurface, and stripe SR 73 from Milepoint 13.63 to Milepoint 15.08 in Bulloch County. In addition to resurfacing, loop detectors and wheelchair ramps will be rehabilitated, including the use of curb cuts.

Paulding County, GA 2014
8244 Mustonen, Heather Archaeological Assessment of GDOT Project CSSTP-0008-00(480), CR Auxiliary Exit Lane, I-95 Northbound from Jimmy Deloach Parkway to SR 21 Augusta Road in Chatham County; Pl 0008480; HP# 100913-001

The proposed project consists of the construction of a continuous exit lane on 1-95 northbound from Jimmy Deloach Parkway to SR 21/Augusta Road. The exit lane would include a 12-foot lane and a 14-foot shoulder, 12 feet of which would be full depth paved leaving 2 feet to be grassed.

Bryan County, GA 2009
8405 Mustonen, Heather Addendum Report Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Summerville Bypass, SR 1/US 27 Chattooga County, Georgia

In compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended, archaeologists with the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT} conducted a Phase I intensive survey of the proposed Summerville Bypass [GDOT Project EDS-0027-00(095}, PI 621082] in Chattooga County, Georgia

Sumter County, GA 1999
8406 Mustonen, Heather Archeological Assessment of Project CRBRG-0006-00 (469), Fulton County

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, project CRBG-0006-00(469), Fulton County, has been surveyed with respect to archeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (

Barrow County, GA 2011
8916 Mustonen, Heather District 5 Maintenance Projects along SR 38/US 84 and SR 23/US 301

The proposed projects would consist of the resurfacing, milling, and paving of SR 23 and SR 38.

Chatham County, GA 2006
8930 Mustonen, Heather Buford Highway (SR 13) Streetscape Improvements

The original 2007 proposed project would consist of pedestrian improvements and streetscapes along Buford Highway (SR 13) in Dekalb County, Georgia.

Cobb County, GA 2013
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