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Larson, Lewis H.

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
4798 Larson, Lewis H. Proposed Recreation Area for Richmond Hill, Bryan County, Georgia

No aboriginal cultural material was recovered from surface collection nor was any recovered from subsurface screened testing. Historic material was limited to scattered 20th century debris and recent illegal dumping.

Bryan 1977
4799 Larson, Lewis H. Archaeological Assessment of Two Locations on Tract 1, Parcel 1 on Kilkenny Road, Bryan County, Georgia

An area stretching south from Kilkenny Road for a distance of approximately 300 m (1000 ft.) was examined along a north-south transect with a sequence of about 20 shovel tests spaced every 15 m (50 ft.). No cultural material was encountered in any of the shovel tests.

Bryan 1990
4808 Larson, Lewis H. Project Summary Notification Review: S-2524(2) EIS, Bulloch County

The impact area for the proposed widening and paving of state road S-2524(2) was surveyed and no cultural debris indicating a site was found. Much of the area under consideration was in low-lying swamp unsuitable for human habitation.

Bulloch 1973
4824 Larson, Lewis H. Results of Review of Notification of Intent to Apply for Federal Assistance: Jerico River, Bryan County Georgia

This proposal does not fail within the scope of interest of this organization . This proposal is considered to be consistent with those State goals, policies, objectives, plans, programs and fiscal. resources this organization is concerned.

Bryan 1974
4825 Larson, Lewis H. Results of Review of Notification of Intent to Apply for Federal Assistance: I-16-1(53)137, Bryan, Effingham, and Chatham Counties

This proposal does not fall within the scope of interest of this organization. This proposal is considered to be consistent with those State goals, policies, objectives, plans, programs and fiscal resources with which this organization is concerned.

Bryan 1974
4976 Larson, Lewis H. Phase I Archaeological Investigations of an Area Slated for the Construction of a Water Recovery Pond at Steve Cocke Fish Hatchery, Terrell County, Georgia

Given the lack of archaeological resources and previous disturbance of the area, no further concern for archaeological resources is warranted in the project area.

Terrell 1996
5017 Larson, Lewis H. Public Notic Permit Request 003032 - Dredging, Kings Bay Project # 74-12-06-02

An on-site inspection was made of the Kings Bay dredging area and nothing of archaeological significance was noted. This area was visited by the State Archaeologist during the summer of 1974.

Camden 1985
5029 Larson, Lewis H. Project PEI-16-1(70), Candler County

In the opinion of the staff archaeologist, the project is unlikely to affect any sites on or eligible to the National Register of Historic Places.

Candler 1998
5040 Larson, Lewis H. Phase I Archaeological Survey of Two Proposed Well Locations on the State University of West Georgia Campus, Carrollton, Georgia

Given the lack of archaeological material in the project areas, no further concerns for archaeological investigations are warranted in the project areas.

Camden 1988
5041 Larson, Lewis H. Phase I Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Water Service Pipeline on the State University of West Georgia

Given the lack of topsoil and archaeological material in the project area, no further concerns for archaeological investigations are warranted in the area.

Camden 1988
Displaying 11 - 20 of 101