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Macon Thick


This type was defined by Jesse Jennings and Charles Fairbanks in 1940. Named for Macon, Georgia. This is a very odd pottery type, apparently associated with some unique vessel shape and function.

Sorting Criteria

Decorated or plain very thick grit-tempered pottery. This type is usually plain but there is also some incising and complicated stamping (these former two surface treatments have never been formally defined). The vessels for this type are small so that every sherd has curvature. Decorations include horizontal incised lines, diagonal incised lines, combinations of vertical and diagonal lines, some curvilinear incised designs, punctations combined with incising and cord impressions, and rarely a concentric circle complicated stamped. Vessels are small cylindrical jars with small orifices, perhaps with open bottoms. The sherds are up to one inch in thickness.

Geographical Range
The Macon Plateau area in central Georgia.
Chronological Range
Early Mississippian Macon Plateau period.
Surface Treatment
Pottery Image(s)