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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
11958 Crawford, Peggy L. Archaeological Assessment of BRZLB-105(5) Elbert County

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto.

Elbert County, GA 1981
11959 Moore, Sherry Fleming Archaeological Assessment of Project STP-148-1(5) Toombs/ Tattnall Counties

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, project STP-148- 1(5), Toombs/Tattnall Counties, has been surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic

Toombs County, GA 1999
11960 Moore, Sherry Fleming Archaeological Assessment of Project STP-019-1(19) Floyd County

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, project STP-019-1(19), Floyd County, has been surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP

Floyd County, GA 1999
11961 Moore, Sherry Fleming Archaeological Assessment of Project STP-065-1(39) Floyd County

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, project STP-065-1(39), Floyd County, has been surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP

Floyd County, GA 1999
11962 Paglione, Teresa L. Bridge Categorical Exclusion, BRSLB-0748(1) Coweta County

This is a bridge project, BRSLB-0748(1), located in Coweta County. The bridge is on Gordon Road. CR 547 and crosses Little White Oak Creek. The existing bridge is 100 feet long and 23.8 feet wide with masonry and steel substructure, timber main support, and steel deck.

Coweta County, GA 1993
11963 Rotenstein, David S. Bridge Review Sheet, BRF-103-1(8) Effingham County

This is a bridge project, BRF-103-1(8), located in Effingham County. The bridge is on SR 119 and crosses White Deep Branch. The existing structure is 100 feet long by 23.7 feet wide. The existing ROW is 100 feet.

Effingham County, GA 1985
11964 Rotenstein, David S. Bridge Review Sheet, BHS-0989(5) Elbert County

This is a bridge project, BHS-0989(5), located in Elbert County. The bridge is on SR 172 and crosses Butler Creek. The existing structure is a 94 foot long by 21.8 foot wide concrete and steel bridge. The existing ROW is 80 feet.

Elbert County, GA 1986
11965 Entorf, Robert F. Bridge Categorical Exclusion, BHF-199-1(8) Elbert County

This is a bridge project, BHF-199-1(8), located in Elbert County. The bridge is on SR 77 and crosses Coldwater Creek. The existing structure is 152 feet long and 23.8 feet wide. There is no existing ROW. The proposed project would widen the existing bridge to 40 feet.

Elbert County, GA 1989
11966 Entorf, Robert F. Archaeological Assessment of CM-00TS(32) DeKalb County

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, project CM- OOTS (32), DeKalb County has been surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP

DeKalb County, GA 1995
11967 Bowen, William R. Archaeological Surveys of Rest Area Expansion Project #I-20-2, Rest Areas #52 and 53 SW of Madison on I-20

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the following project was surveyed with respect to archaeological resources; especially those which may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) .

Morgan County, GA 1979