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Pietak, Lynn Marie

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
3806 Pietak, Lynn Marie Second Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Survey of Virginia Avenue Streetscape Imporvements Project Area, Fulton County, Georgia

Original Project Description: The proposed project would encompass such streetscape improvements as sidewalks and crossing demarcation, landscaped medians, pedestrian-scale lighting, street trees, benches, trash receptacles and bicycle racks.

Fulton County, GA 2006
3808 Pietak, Lynn Marie Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Greenbriar Town Center Streetscape Improvements, Fulton County, Georgia

The proposed project STP-0004-00(466) would consist of gateway improvements at Greenbriar Parkway and Continental Colony Parkway along with improvements at the intersection of Greenbriar Parkway and Headland Drive.

Fulton County, GA 2006
3812 Pietak, Lynn Marie, Quirk, Phillip W. Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Thornton Road Park and Ride Project Area, Cobb County, Georgia

In November 2006, Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc. (EPEI) conducted a Phase I archaeological survey of the proposed Thornton Road Park and Ride project area. The proposed project consists of constructing a park and ride lot facility on an 18.94-acre site located in Cobb County, Georgia.

Cobb County, GA 2006
3814 Silliman, Garrett W., Pietak, Lynn Marie Second Addendum to an Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Lewis Road Improvements Project Area, Cobb County, Georgia

No archaeological sites or isolated finds were recorded in the project area during the current undertaking or during the first addendum to the original project. During the initial survey, two archaeological sites, 9CO653 and 9CO654, were identified and recorded (Braley 2003:15).

Cobb County, GA 2006
3833 Pietak, Lynn Marie Addendum to the Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Chapel Hill Road at Bomar Road and Central Church Road Intersection Improvements, Douglas County, Georgia

The proposed project would improve the intersection of Chapel Hill Road at Central Church Road, Bomar Road and Chapel Hill Road at Willow Ridge Road in Douglas County. At the intersection of Chapel Hill Road and Willow Ridge Road, a new signal controller would be installed.

Douglas County, GA 2007
3834 Pietak, Lynn Marie Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Eleven Signal Design Project Areas in Hall County, Georgia

The project consists of reconstructing the existing signalization at eleven intersection locations in the City of Gainesville. Hall County (list attached). Signal mast arms, poles, ramps/crosswalks. controller cabinets, and fiber optic interconnections would be included.

Hall County, GA 2007
3835 Pietak, Lynn Marie Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Survey of Houston County Signal Design Upgrades

The proposed project consists of traffic signal upgrades at 19 intersections in Houston County, Georgia. The proposed project is designed to improve the overall efficiency and safety of traffic flow, utilizing upgraded traffic signal displays and traffic signal control equipment.

Houston County, GA 2007
3839 Pietak, Lynn Marie Third Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Survey of Perimeter Center west Project Area, DeKalb and Fulton Counties, Georgia

The areas of required right-of-way and permanent easement have changed due to design refinements and modifications to the drainage design. The area of required right-of-way would decrease from 1.25 acres to approximately 1.07 acres.

DeKalb County, GA 2007
3843 Pietak, Lynn Marie Phase I Archaeological Survey of the SR 136 over West Chickamauga Creek, Walker County, Georgia

The project is located on SR 136 at the crossing of West Chickamauga Creek in Walker County, Georgia. The proposed project would replace the existing two-lane bridge with a slightly longer concrete bridge structure that is approximately 40-foot wide.

Walker County, GA 2007
3849 Pietak, Lynn Marie Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Survey of Five Traffic Signal Design Areas in Peach County, Georgia

Original: The proposed project would consist of traffic signal upgrades at five intersections within the cities of Fort Valley and Byron, Peach County (list attached).

Peach County, GA 2007
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