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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
14083 Lewis, Tom, Hinder, Kimberly Transco-Williams Dalton Expansion Project: Archaeological and Historic Resources Survey of the “Option 1” Contractor Yard, Gordon County, Georgia. FERC Docket No. PF14-10. HP No. 140603-005

Cardno, Inc. (Cardno) has completed archaeological and historic resources survey of part of the proposed Dalton Expansion Project, in Georgia.

Gordon County, GA 2016
14084 Gresham, Thomas H. Henderson Creek 46/12kV Substation, Houston County

At your request we conducted an intensive, Phase I archeological survey for the proposed expansion of the existing Henderson 46/12 kV substation site in Southern Houston County (Figure 1). The survey was conducted on July 9, 2012.

Houston County, GA 2012
14085 Lewis, Tom, Anzellini, Armando Transco-Williams Dalton Expansion Project: Archaeological and Historic Resources Survey of Streams in Coweta County, Georgia

Cardno, Inc. (Cardno) has completed an addendum cultural resources survey in response to the need to mitigate stream sedimentation along the Dalton Expansion corridor, in northwestern Georgia.

Coweta County, GA 2017
14086 Stack, Meg Transco-Williams Dalton Expansion Project: Archaeological and Historic Resources Survey of Streams in Carroll County, Georgia

Cardno, Inc. (Cardno) has completed an addendum cultural resources survey in response to the need to mitigate stream sedimentation along the Dalton Expansion corridor, in northwestern Georgia.

Carroll County, GA 2017
14087 Stack, Meg Transco-Williams Dalton Expansion; Sedimentation Remediation Cultural Resources Survey in Douglas County, Georgia

Cardno, Inc. (Cardno) has completed an addendum cultural resources survey in response to the need to mitigate stream sedimentation along the Dalton Expansion corridor, in northwestern Georgia.

Douglas County, GA 2017
14088 Jones, Paul L. Phase II Archaeological Testing of Sites 9DO203 and 9DO204, Dalton Expansion Project

Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Company, LLC (Transco) is seeking a Certificate of Public Convenience from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) pursuant to Section 7 (c) of the Natural Gas Act for the construction and operatio

Douglas County, GA 2016
14089 Lewis, Tom Transco-Dalton Pipeline Expansion Project, Taff Reroute Archaeological Survey Report, FERC Docket No. CP15-117-000, HP-140603-005

Cardno, Inc. (Cardno) is submitting this letter as part of the Dalton Expansion Project, in northwestern Georgia. This letter details Cardno's findings and management recommendations specifically for a previously unsurveyed reroute in Bartow County, Georgia.

Bartow County, GA 2016
14090 Lewis, Tom, Hinder, Kimberly Transco-Williams Dalton Expansion Project: Archaeological and Historic Resources Survey of the Proposed Fleming Road Access Road, Murray County, Georgia. HP No. 140603-005; FERC Docket No. CP15-117-000

Cardno, Inc. (Cardno) has completed archaeological and historic resources survey of part of the proposed Dalton Expansion Project, in Georgia.

Murray County, GA 2016
14091 Lewis, Tom, Hinder, Kimberly Transco-Williams Dalton Expansion Project: Archaeological and Historic Resources Survey of Newnan Pipe Yard and Temple Avenue Contractor Yard, Coweta County, Georgia. FERC Docket No. PF14-10. HP No. 140603-005

Cardno, Inc. (Cardno) has completed archaeological and historic resources survey of part of the proposed Dalton Expansion Project, in Georgia.

Coweta County, GA 2016
14092 Braley, Chad O. Preliminary Assessment of Effects to the Abandoned Tallulah Railroad by Proposed Gas Line Construction, Rabun County

The City of Toccoa, Georgia, is proposing to construct a gas pipeline from Toccoa to Franklin, North Carolina. Jordan, Jones & Goulding, Inc. is the engineering firm that will design and construct the line.

Rabun County, GA 1998