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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
3318 Roemer, Erwin, Lolley, Terry L. Technical Appendix Archaeological Survey at Ft. Benning's Compartment W-4 Russell County, Alabama

None Present.

3319 McCullough, David L. A Cultural Resource Survey of the Carmouche IFV Range Fort Benning Georgia

Southeastern Wildlife Services, Inc. has conducted a cultural resource survey of the Carmouche Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) range, Fort Benning, Georgia. The project area included part of the Upatoi Creek floodplain and adjacent terraces in Muscogee and Chattahoochee Counties, Georgia.

Chattahoochee County, GA 1982
3320 Meyers, Allan D., Buchner, C. Andrew Phase I Archaeological Survey within Fort Benning Compartments T-1, T-2, T-4, T-5, T-6, and T-7, Chattahoochee County, Geogia

An intensive Phase I archaeological survey of a 2,400 acre (960 ha) portion of Fort Benning Military Reservation's Compartments T-l, T-2, T-4, T-5, T-6, and T-7, in Chattahoochee County, Georgia, was conducted by Panamerican Consultants, Inc. (PCI).

Chattahoochee County, GA 1996
3321 Meyers, Allan D., Buchner, C. Andrew Phase I Archaeological Survey within Fort Benning Compartment Y-3, Russell County, Alabama

A Phase I archaeological survey of a 288 acre ((116.6 ha) portion of Fort Benning Military Reservation's Compartment Y-3, in Russell County, Alabama, was conducted by Panamerican Consultants, Inc.

3322 Meyers, Allan D., Buchner, C. Andrew Phase I Archaeological Survey within Fort Benning, Compartment Z-4, Russell County, Alabama

An intensive Phase I archaeological survey of a 543 acre (219.7 ha) portion of Fort Benning Military Reservation's Compartment Z-4 in Russell County, Alabama, was conducted by Panamerican Consultants, Inc.

3323 Poplin, Eric C. Cultural Resources Survey Selected Timber Harvesting Areas Fort Benning, Georgia

This report presents the results of a cultural resources survey of selected timber harvesting areas within the Fort Kenning Military Reservation. This survey was undertaken by Gulf South Research Corporation and R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc., at the request of the U.S.

Chattahoochee County, GA 1988
3324 Roemer, Erwin, Jackson, Paul D. Archaeological Survey at Ft. Benning's Compartment Q-2 Chattahoochee County, Georgia

Panamerican Consultants, Inc., archaeologically surveyed 436.9 hectares (ha) (1,079 acres [ac]) within Ft. Benning Military Reservation where it exists in Chattahoochee County, Georgia. The fieldwork took place between August 10 and September 17, 1993.

Chattahoochee County, GA 1994
3325 Roemer, Erwin, Jackson, Paul D. Archaeological Survey at Ft. Benning's Compartment C-2 Chattahoochee County, Georgia

The staff of Panamerican Consultants, Inc. (PCI) conducted an archaeological survey of 414 hectares (ha) (1,023.6 acres) within Ft. Benning military reservation where it exists in Chattahoochee County, Georgia. The fieldwork took place between April 14 and June 4, 1993.

Chattahoochee County, GA 1994
3326 Roemer, Erwin, Jackson, Paul D. Archaeological Survey at Ft. Benning's Compartment C-3 Chattahoochee County, Georgia

Panamerican Consultants, Inc., archaeologically surveyed 439.2 hectares (ha), or 1,084.9 acres (ac),, within Ft. Benning military reservation in Chattahoochee County, Georgia. Most of the fieldwork took place between May 24 and June 5, 1993.

Chattahoochee County, GA 1994
3327 Roemer, Erwin, Jackson, Paul D. Archaeological Survey of Selected Areas in Ft. Benning, Chattahoochee and Muscogee Counties, Georgia: Victory Focus Area 1, 2, and 3; South Harmony Church; and Two Parcles Within Lawson Army Airfield

Panamerican Consultants, Inc. (PCI), performed an intensive archaeological survey of 1,983.8 hectares (ha), or 4,900 acres (ac) within Ft. Benning Military Reservation in Chattahoochee and Muscogee Counties, Georgia. The fieldwork took place between December 27, 1993 and March 31, 1994.

Chattahoochee County, GA 1994