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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
581 Reiner, Keith, Garrow, Patrick H. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed McPherson Road Substation

The purpose of this project is to identify and evaluate the cultural resources located within the area selected by Oglethorpe Power Company for a proposed substation.

Cobb 1984
582 Garrow, Patrick H. An Archaeological Survey of Gsu9Da139

The purpose of this project was to perform an archaeological resurvey of site (GSU) 9DaI39, which had originally been identified in 1979. The goals of the resurvey were to more precisely delineate the boundaries of the site, and to assess the site contents.

DeKalb 1984
583 Dickinson, Martin F. Chattahoochee River Valley Cultural Resource Study and Evaluation, Fort Benning Military Reservation

Between October 1983 and April 1984 Water and Air Research, Inc. conducted a cultural resources survey of portions of the Chattahoochee River basin within Fort Benning Military Reservation, Alabama and Georgia. The work was performed under contract with the U.S.

Chattahoochee 1985
584 Marrinan, Rochelle A. Cherokee Lake Archaeological Assessment, Thomasville, Thomas County, Georgia

This report details the methods applied and the findings resulting from an archaeological assessment of Cherokee Lake Park, Thomasville, Thomas County, Georgia. The proposed park area includes 64.8 acres of wooded upland, pecan grove, old fields, and pond.

Thomas 1985
585 Cridlebaugh, Patricia A. A Cultural Resource Survey of a Proposed Cantonment Area Expansion at Fort Stewart Military Reservation, Liberty County, Georgia

A cultural resource survey of a 151.8 ha area within Fort Stewart Military Reservation, Georgia yielded negative evidence for prehistoric and early historic period occupation within the project area.

Liberty 1984
586 Fortune, Jan E., Garrow, Patrick H. The Rock Mountain Archaeological Survey

This Plan details the measures proposed for the mitigation of adverse impacts upon cultural resources within the Cultural Resource Management Study Area (CRMSA) of the proposed Rocky Mountain Project ('hereinafter "RMP'), Floyd County, Georgia.

Floyd 1981
587 Webb, Robert S. City of Rochelle, Georgia, Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Wilcox County, Archaeological Survey

On April 15, 1984, Robert S. Webb of Claude Terry & Associates, Inc. (CTA) conducted a 100 percent coverage cultural resource survey of the proposed site of a wastewater treatment facility in Rochelle, Wilcox County, Georgia.

Wilcox 1984
588 Meier, Lawrence W. Investigations at McClure Farm, Forsyth County, Georgia

The McClure Farm Site, 9-Fo-106 (ASCC Catalogue), was discovered during the preliminary cultural resource assessment of a portion of the Chattahoochee River floodplain immediately north of the confluence of Dick's Creek, in southern Forsyth County, Georgia.

Forsyth 1984
589 Adams, William H. Interim Report for Archaeological Mitigation of Kings Bay Naval Submarine Support Base, 1981

This report presents an overview of the archaeological research conducted at Kings Bay, Georgia, during the summer of 1981. The work was conducted under a contract between the U. S.

Camden 1982
590 Rock, Carolyn Archaeological Survey and Testing at Kings Bay Site (9Cam170)

This report describes the results of limited secondary testing and survey of the Rabbit Run Site, 9CAM170, on the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base, Camden County, Georgia.

Camden 1985