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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
10510 Fleming, Sherry Archaeological Assessment of Project OSAP-98-4(9), Dougherty County

Project OSAP-98-4(9) involves the construction of a northbound left turn lane in the median of SR 3/US 19. The turn lane would be constructed at the intersection of Hancock Road/CR 51. No additional right-of-way would be required for the completion of the proposed project.

Dougherty County, GA 1998
10511 Schoeneberg, Erica Archaeological Assessment of Projet STP-1007(4), Fannin County

"In compliance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, project STP-1007(4) in Fannin County has been surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NR

Fannin County, GA 2018
10512 Crawford, Peggy L., Hart, Barry D. Archaeological Assessment of Project F-002-6 (27), Hall County

"In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, project F-002-6(27), Hall Co., has been surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).

Hall County, GA 1981
10513 Patch, Shawn M. Archaeological Survey of Project STP-BRZLB-241(10), Rabun County

The proposed project would replace the existing bridge over the Tallulah River on CR 80/Low Gap Road, approximately 6.6 miles from Tiger, in Rabun County. A new bridge will be constructed immediately east of the current bridge and will correct a skewed intersection between CR 80 and CR 2 18.

Rabun County, GA 2001
10514 Gresham, Thomas H. Archaeological Survey of a Portion of U.S. Highway 1/State Route 4, Emanuel County, Georgia

The Georgia Department of Transportation is intending to widen a 15.8 km (9.8 mi) section of U.S. Highway 1/State Route 4 extending south from Swainsboro, the county seat of Emanuel

Emanuel County, GA 1998
10515 Fleming, Sherry Archaeological Assessment of Project PR-240(211), Morgan County

Project PR-240-6(211) involves the leveling and resurfacing of CR 240 and CR 248 in Morgan County. Also included in the proposed project would be the addition of 2 ft shoulders, left and right, along the entire length of the proposed project.

Morgan County, GA 1999
10516 McIntosh, Paul Archaeological Assessment of Project PR-65(201), Miller County

County Roads 65 & 189 are 20' wide paved county roads on 80' of existing right-of-way. This project as proposed is to widen the existing roadways by paving 2' of the existing shoulder left and right and level and resurface. This project begins at State Route 91 and ends at State Route 273.

Miller County, GA 2000
10517 Bowen, William R. Archaeological Assessment of Project MR-7021 (3), Richmond County

This project proposes to widen S.R. 56 Spur from the present Bobby Jones Expressway terminus to Tobacco Road, a distance of approximately 2 .5 miles. Widening would be to the west of the existing facility and would require a right-of-way of 120 feet. Existing right-of-way is 100 feet.

Richmond County, GA 1988
10518 Fleming, Sherry Archaeological Assessment of Project OSAP-98-4(6), Dougherty County

Project OSAP-98-4(6) involves the construction of two left turn lanes, one in each direction, in the median of SR 3/US 19. The turn lanes would be constructed at the intersection of Dorough/ CR 41. No additional right-of-way would be required for the completion of the proposed project.

Dougherty County, GA 1998
10519 Duff, Eric Anthony Archaeological Assessment of Bartow and Carroll County Resurfacing Improvement Projects

Archaeological Assessment of Bartow and Carroll County Resurfacing Improvement Projects. The proposed projects consist of the resurfacing and rehabilitation of earth shoulders on SR 61 in Bartow and Carroll County.

Bartow County, GA 2007