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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
11346 Rotenstein, David S. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRF-026-3(35), Liberty County

.5 miles; no detour; widen bridge approaches to 24’ and construct 44’ wide bridge.

Liberty County, GA 1985
11347 Rotenstein, David S. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRS-0937(6), Jefferson County

Existing structure is a 25.9 ft. x 60 ft. timber steel and concrete bridge. Existing R/W is 100 ft. total. Project begins approximately 600 ft. west of the stream and ends approximately 600 ft. east of the stream.

Jefferson County, GA 1986
11348 Rotenstein, David S. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRF-031-1(13), Irwin County

440’ x 25.7 bridge at Alapaha River, 220’ x 24’ bridge at Big Creek, existing 200’ right of way, 160’ x 24’ bridge at boggy Creek, 100’ existing right of way. Timber pilings with Concrete deck.

Irwin County, GA 1986
11349 Entorf, Robert F. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRF-036-1(14), Irwin County

Bridge over Reedy Creek is proposed to be replaced on existing alignment with a 160’ x 44’ concrete bridge structure. A detour bridge is proposed on the North Side of the existing bridge. A 1000’ x 50’ easement will be required on the North Side.

Irwin County, GA 1988
11350 Studstill, David E. Archaeological Survey of Projects EDS-84(9) and BHF-007-2(33), Brooks County

Project EDS-84(9) consists of the proposed widening and reconstruction of U.S. 84/S.R. 38 from County Road 195 at Dixie to approximately 1000 feet east of County Road 272 (Talloaks Road) in Quitman.

Brooks County, GA 1991
11351 Entorf, Robert F. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRF-076-1(19), Lincoln County

Existing structure is 21.8’ x 230' concrete and steel bridge. Existing right of way is 200 ft. Project begins 400' south of stream and ends 450' north of stream. New structure is a 38' x 230' concrete bridge. No R/W will be required. No detour will be constructed, will use other state routes.

Lincoln County, GA 1988
11352 Moore, Sherry Fleming, Entorf, Bob P. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRF-114-1(97), Paulding County

In compliance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, project BRF-114-1(97), Paulding County, has been surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (

Paulding County, GA 1999
11353 Paglione, Teresa L. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRS-2796(6), Troup County

29.2 'X 78' bridge with timber pilings and a concrete deck. Approaches are approximately 680' in length and have 24' paving with 6' shoulders. Existing right-of-way is 60’. Replace bridge on existing alignment with a 44'X 120' concrete bridge.

Troup County, GA 1992
11354 Entorf, Robert F. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRF-066-1(27), Twiggs County

300’ x 24’ bridge consists of timber piles with steel beams and concrete deck. 340’ x 44’ bridge. Bridge on state route 87 over Flat Creek.

Twiggs County, GA 1990
11355 Paglione, Teresa L. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRS-577(16), Treutlen County

120 feet x 23.8 feet of reinforced concrete deck, steel beams with wood caps and piles. Existing right of way is 100 feet. The project begins approximately 500 ft southwest of stream and ends approximately 500 ft northeast of stream. A four barrel 9 ft x 9 ft x 75 ft bridge culvert is required.

Treutlen County, GA 1993