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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
11366 Hart, Barry D. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRZLB-195(10), Madison County

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, project BRZLB-195 (10), Madison County has been surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NR

Madison County, GA 1985
11367 Rotenstein, David S. Bridge Review Sheet: BRSLB-0633(1), Muscogee County

This is a bridge project, BRSLB-0633(1) in Muscogee County. The bridge is on Whitesville Road/ CR 94 and crosses Heiferhorn Creek. The existing bridge is 65 feet long by 17.7feet wide and is a concrete bridge.

Muscogee County, GA 1985
11368 Paglione, Teresa L. Bridge Categorical Exclusion: BRZLB-213(11), Murray County

This is a bridge project, BRZLB-213(11), in Murray County. The bridge is on County Road 73 and is over Rock Creek. The existing structure is 61 feet long by 12 feet wide with a pony truss and is a concrete bridge. The existing ROW is 40 feet.

Murray County, GA 1990
11369 Bowen, William R. Bridge Review Sheet: BRZLB-211(5), Morgan County

This is a bridge project, BRZLB-211(5), in Morgan County. The existing structure is 37 feet long by 13 feet wide. It is on County Road 79 and is over Holgers Creek. It is a concrete deck bridge with steel I-beams and rock end bents. There is no existing ROW.

Morgan County, GA 1985
11370 Bowen, William R. Bridge Review Sheet: BRZLB-211(4), Morgan County

This is a bridge project, BRZLB-211(4), in Morgan County. The existing structure is a 41 feet long by 24 feet wide concrete deck bridge with steel I-beams and concrete end bents.

Morgan County, GA 1985
11371 Bowen, William R. Bridge Review Sheet: BRZLB-215(2), Muscogee County

This is a bridge project, BRZLB-215(2), in Muscogee County. The bridge is on CR 1080/ Elgin Drive in Columbus and is crosses Weracoba Creek. The existing structure is 20 feet long by 46 feet wide and the proposed project will be a double 10 foot by 6 foot bridge.

Muscogee County, GA 1985
11372 Rotenstein, David S. Bridge Review Sheet: BRZLB-215(1), Muscogee County

This is a bridge project, BRZLB-215(1), Muscogee County. The bridge is on Old River Road/ CR 1 and crosses Standing Boy Creek. The existing structure is 172 feet long by 18.5 feet wide bridge concrete and steel substructure. The existing ROW is 80 feet and the required ROW is 100 feet.

Muscogee County, GA 1985
11373 Entorf, Bob P. Bridge Categorical Exclusion: BRZLB-195(15), Madison County

This is a bridge project, BRZLB-195(15), in Madison County. The bridge is over CR287/ New Town Church Road and crosses Fork Creek. The existing structure is 28 feet long by 12.2 feet wide consisting of timber piles, steel beams, and a wood deck.

Madison County, GA 1990
11374 Rotenstein, David S. Bridge Review Sheet: BHZLB-215(3), Muscogee County

This is a bridge project, BHZLB-215(3), in Muscogee County. The bridge is over Chattswoth Road and crosses Bull Creek. The existing structure is 107 feet long by 16.9 feet wide and is a concrete spandrel arch bridge. The existing ROW is 60 feet.

Muscogee County, GA 1986
11375 Richardson, Rick R. Bridge Categorical Exclusion: PR-60-2(195), Madison County

This is a bridge project, PR-60-2(195), in Madison County. The bridge is on CR 60/ Carey Hill Road and crosses Masons Mills Creek. The existing structure is 18 feet long by 14 feet wide. It is rubble masonry headwalls with steel beams and oak deck. The existing ROW is 60 feet.

Madison County, GA 1992