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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
11376 Danchetz, Frank L. Potential Wetland Involvement and Bridge Detour on Project BRF-153-1(11), Macon-Dooly Counties

The above referenced project is the bridge replacement on S. R. 90 over Hogcrawl Creek. The project concept report indicates that a detour bridge will be required during construction. It is our current understanding that this bridge will be on the north side of the existing roadway.

Macon County, GA 1988
11377 Bowen, William R. Bridge Review Sheet: BRZLB-149(5), Heard County

This is a bridge project, BRZLB-149(5), in Heard County. The bridge is on CR 104 and crosses Hillabahatchee Creek. The existing structure is 64 feet long by 12.1 feet wide. The proposed project is .5 miles in length and will add a double 9 feet by 9 feet box culvert to the existing bridge.

Heard County, GA 1985
11378 Paglione, Teresa L. Bridge Review Sheet: BRS-06892(9), Macon County

This is a bridge project, BRS-06892(9), in Macon County. The bridge is on SR 127 and crosses Meadow Creek. The existing ROW is 100 feet and the existing bridge is 31 feet long by 19.3 feet wide with a single span bridge, concrete abutments, beams, and deck.

Macon County, GA 1986
11379 Entorf, Robert F. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRS-0577(6), Treutlen County

Existing structure is a 23.8 1 x 520 1 timber, steel and concrete bridge. Existing R/W is 200 feet. Project begins 700 1 west of stream and ends 900 1 east of stream. New structure is a 381 x 500 1 bridge. No additional right of way will be acquired.

Treutlen County, GA 1989
11380 Entorf, Robert F. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRF-133-1(6), Thomas County

120’ x 40’ concrete bridge constructed on existing alignment. Traffic will be detoured over local roads, CR 301 + 303. No additional right of way will be needed.

Thomas County, GA 1989
11381 Paglione, Teresa L. Archaeological Assessment of Project BHF-007-2(31), Thomas County

Bridge on US 84/SR 38 over Aucilla Creek and Overflows. This is a fishing creek; no wetland involvement, no displacements, no significant archaeological resources.

Thomas County, GA 1990
11382 Entorf, Robert F. Archaeological Assessment of Project BHMLB-7000(4), Richmond County

10 ft. x 24 ft reinforced concrete bridge. 80 ft . existing right of way. -Project begins 300 ft. south of the stream and ends 400 ft north of the stream. Widening the 110 ft. x 24 ft. bridge to 42 ft. with 6 ft. sidewalks each side, widening will be primarily on the west side. 25 Tt.

Richmond County, GA 1992
11383 Entorf, Robert F. Archaeological Assessment of Project BHF-186-1(14), Paulding County

Gothard’s Creek:  24’x 276’ concrete bridge. Sweetwater Creek 24’ x 170’ concrete bridge. Existing right of way 100’ to 200.’ Begin approximately 300’ south of each creek and end approximately 300’ north of each creek.

Paulding County, GA 1988
11384 Paglione, Teresa L. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRZLB-243(5), Randolph County

120’ x 24’ wide concrete bridge on existing and new R/W 80’ to 100’ of R/W will be required.

Randolph County, GA 1986
11385 Rotenstein, David S. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRS-0729(5), Candler County

135’ x 21.7’ concrete bridge, 100’ existing r/w. Bridge and approaches-same location, no additional r/w, detour to be construction on east side-easement will be required to construction detour.

Candler County, GA 1985