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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
11778 Rotenstein, David S. Bridge Review Sheet, BRZLB-111(7) Fannin County

This is a bridge project, BRZLB-111(7), located in Fannin County. The bridge is on CR 145 and crosses Little Fighting Town Creek. The existing structure is a 40 foot long and 16 foot wide wooden bridge. The proposed project would build a culvert.  

Fannin County, GA 1985
11779 Entorf, Robert F. Bridge Review Sheet, BRF-018-1(45) Douglas County

This is a bridge project, BRF-018-1(45), located in Douglas County. The bridge is on SR 61 and crosses Sweetwater Creek. The existing structure is a 200 foot long by 24 foot wide bridge on timber piles and caps with steel beams and concrete deck. The existing ROW is 100 feet.

Douglas County, GA 1988
11780 Paglione, Teresa L. Archaeological Assessment of Project FR-186-1(12) Douglas County

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, project FR-186-1(12), Douglas County has been surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP

Douglas County, GA 1986
11781 Paglione, Teresa L. Bridge Review Sheet, BRZLB-111(9) Fannin County

This is a bridge project, BRZLB-111(9), located in Fannin County. The bridge is on CR 93 and crosses Hothouse Creek. The existing structure is a 34 foot long by 11.2 foot wide bridge with rubble masonry end bents, steel stringers, and a wood deck. The existing ROW is 25 feet.

Fannin County, GA 1985
11782 Entorf, Robert F. Bridge Categorical Exclusion, BRF-023-1(15) Echols County

This is a bridge project, BRF-023-1(15), located in Echols County. The bridge is on US 129/ SR 11 and crosses Cow Creek. The existing bridge is 160 feet long and 24 feet wide and has timber pilings, timber caps, steel beams, concrete deck, and concrete handrail. The existing ROW is 200 feet.

Echols County, GA 1989
11783 Paglione, Teresa L. Bridge Review Sheet, BRZLB-107(9) Emanuel County

This is a bridge project, BRZLB-107(9), located in Emanuel County. The bridge is on CR 9 and crosses Big Long Creek. The existing structure is a 15.5 foot wide by 119 foot long all timber bridge. There is no existing ROW.

Emanuel County, GA 1985
11784 Paglione, Teresa L. Bridge Categorical Exclusion, BRZLB-151(6) Henry County

This is a bridge project, BRZLB-151(6), located in Henry County. The bridge is on CR 144/ Springdale Drive and crosses Little Cotton Indian Creek.

Henry County, GA 1991
11785 Rotenstein, David S. Bridge Review Sheet, BHF-083-1(34) Dougherty County

This is a bridge project, BHF-083-1(34), located in Dougherty County. The bridge is on SR 91 and crosses Muckafoone Creek. The existing structure is a 400 foot long and 24 foot wide concrete bridge structure. The existing ROW is 100 feet.

Dougherty County, GA 1987
11786 Bridge Categorical Exclusion, BRZLB-121(12) Fulton County

This is a bridge project, BRZLB-121(12), located in Fulton County. The bridge is on Enon Road and crosses Enon Creek. The existing structure is a concrete deck on a steel beam bridge that is 62 feet long and 23 feet wide. The existing ROW is 60 feet.

Fulton County, GA 1994
11787 Paglione, Teresa L. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRZLB-097(3), Douglas County

The proposed project begins approximately 800 feet west of Sweetwater Creek and ends approximately 400 feet east of the stream crossing. The new structure would be 200 feet long by 40 feet wide shifted alignment approximately 30 feet downstream of the existing structure.

Douglas County, GA 1993