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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
151 Garrow, Patrick H. A Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Bear Creek Dam and Reservoir, Douglas County, Georgia, Project Number Es-1209
Douglas County, GA 1979
152 Schnell, Frank T. A Cultural Resource Assessment of a Proposed Park on Bull Creek, Columbus, Georgia

In October of 1979, the City of Columbus contracted with the Columbus Museum of Arts and Sciences, Inc.

Muscogee County, GA 1979
153 Garrow, Patrick H. Archaeological Reconnaissance Proposed 201 Wastewater Treatment Facility, Midville, Georgia

The purpose of this report is to describe the methods employed and results achieved through an archaeological reconnaissance of the proposed site of the Midville wastewater treatment plant site, Burke County, Georgia.

Burke County, GA 1979
154 Wood, W. Dean An Archaeological Survey of a Road Right-of-way in the Oconee National Forest-Greene County, Georgia

An archaeological survey of a proposed road right-of-way was conducted in a portion of the Oconee National Forest. Two prehistoric archaeological sites were discovered. Both sites date primarily to the Lamar period with minor components dating to the Late Archaic period.

Greene County, GA 1979
155 Hally, David J., Wood, W. Dean Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Hamilton, Georgia 201 Site

This report summarizes the archaeological survey of the proposed Hamilton, 201 Waste-Water Treatment Facility in Harris County, Georgia. The field work was conducted on February 16, 1979.

Harris County, GA 1979
156 Stephenson, Robert L. On Site Inspection

None Present.

Columbia County, GA 1979
157 Smith, Betty Anderson Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Lake Windy Transmission Line, Pierce, Ware, and Brantley Counties, Georgia

None Present.

Brantley County, GA 1979
158 Smith, Betty Anderson Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Golf Course and Riverside Nature Parkway, Gilmer County, Georgia

The survey area for the proposed golf course and riverside nature parkway, Gilmer County, Georgia, is rugged ridge and valley terrain. Minimal evidence of aboriginal utilization of the area was discovered during the archaeological survey.

Gilmer County, GA 1979
159 Bostwick, John A. An Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Lion's Club and Eulonia Recreation Parks. McIntosh County, Georgia.

This report is documentation of archival and field research conducted for the McIntosh County Department of Leisure Services, McIntosh County, Georgia.

McIntosh County, GA 1979
160 Smith, Betty Anderson Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Hammond's Crossing Substation and Transmission Line, Forsyth County, Georgia

Pedestrian survey and shovel tests within the survey area of the proposed Hammond's Crossing substation and transmission line, Forsyth County, Georgia, failed to produce any evidence of prehistoric or historic activity within the survey area.

Forsyth County, GA 1979