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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
5107 Wettstaed, Judith Harpole, Wettstaed, James R. Investigations at Sites 9PM1070 and 9PM1072, A Passport in Time Project, Putnam County, Oconee Ranger District, Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests, Georgia

Archaeological site 9PM 1072 was originally recorded in 1996 as a farmstead that contained both nineteenth and early twentieth century materials.

Wayne County, GA 2005
5108 Ehrenhard, John E. Cumberland Island National Seashore; Archaeological Mitigation of NPS 9 and 9 CAM 6, Analysis of Prehistoric and Historic Ceramics and Bottles

In compliance with Section 106 of the Historic Preservation Act of 1966, archeological salvage of eroding prehistoric sites 9-CAM-5 and 9-CAM-6 was initiated.

Effingham County, GA 1990
5109 Entorf, Robert F., Fleming, Sherry Archaeological Assessment of Project PR-8530(045), Carroll County

Project PR-8530(045) involves the replacement of the existing bridge on Billings Road over Webster Creek with a dou a arre ri ge culvert. The project would begin approximately 228.6 m (750 ft) west of Webster Creek and end approximately 274.3 m (900 ft) east of Webster Creek.

Effingham County, GA 1989
5110 Duff, Eric Anthony Archaeological Assessment of Project BRZLB-045(10), Carroll County

Project BRZLB-045(10) would re„pia e h Structurally deficient bridaP on CR 813 over Big Indian Creek in Carroll County.

Jones County, GA 2003
5111 Duff, Eric Anthony Archaeological Assessment of Project BRZLB-045(13), Carroll County

Project BRZLB-45(13) would replace the structurally deficient bridge at Hominy Creek on CR 394 in Carroll County. The new bridge structure would be constructed on new location immediately adjacent and east of the existing bridge structure.

Taylor County, GA 1999
5112 Duff, Eric Anthony Archaeological Assessment of Project STPN-017-2(59), Carroll County

Project STPN-017-2(59) consists of improvements to SR 1/US 27 and Roop Street in Carrollton, Georgia. The project also includes signalization placements and upgrades within the Carrollton city limits.

Screven County, GA 2003
5113 Duff, Eric Anthony, McIntosh, Paul Archaeological Reassessment of Project STP-159-1(26), Carroll County

Originally, the proposed project would widen and reconstruct SR 16/US 27 Alternate from just northwest of the SR 166 Bypass/US 27 Alternate intersection to just southeast of the US 27 Alternate/CR 24 intersection, for a total length of 1.65 miles.

Liberty County, GA 2005
5114 Duff, Eric Anthony, McIntosh, Paul Archaeological Assessment of Project IM-00MS(177), Carroll County

The proposed project would consist of extending the right-of-way along the northern boundary of the current westbound truck weigh station located on Interstate 20 in Carroll County. Existing right-of-way at this location is 360 feet X 1063 feet. An additional 40 feet X 1063 feet is required.

Chatham County, GA 2009
5115 Kidd, R. Steven Trip Report on Archaeological Recording of the Foundation of Cockspur Island Lighthouse, Fort Pulaski National Monument (FOPU), Chatham County, Georgia

In 2006, the Cockspur Island Lighthouse (9CH674, FOPU-4.001) was found to be in immediate need of stabilization, due to a marine borer infestation, which, if left unchecked, threatened to undermine the wooden foundation of the brick and mortar lighthouse.

Hancock County, GA 2004
5116 Richardson, Rick R. Archaeological Assessment of Project STPN-111-1(20)Spur, Chatham County

The proposed project would construct a new interchange at the intersection of Veterans Parkway at SR 204/Abercorn Street. The proposed interchange would be a grade separated intersection with two bridges to carry southbound traffic from Veterans Parkway to eastbound SR 204/Abercorn Street.

Chatham County, GA 2006