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Named by Gorden Willey and Philip Phillips. Named after the Crystal River site, 8Ci1, in Citrus County, Florida.

Named after the Crystal River site, 8Ci1, in Citrus County, Florida by Gordon Willey in 1949.


This is named for the old town of Dallas, Tennessee, now at the bottom of Chickamauga Lake on the Tennessee River.


Named after the Etowah site by Robert Wauchope.


Named after the Etowah site by William Sears.

Named after the Etowah site or series by Arthur Kelly and Stu Neitzel based upon their excavations at the Chauga site (38Oc47) in Oconee County, South Carolina.

Named after the Etowah site by William Sears. See Etowah Red.

Defined by Tom Lewis and Madeline Kneberg at the Hiwassee Island site. This pottery is identical to Etowah Red Filmed except that it is tempered with finely ground shell.


Defined by Tom Lewis and Madeline Kneberg at the Hiwassee Island site in eastern Tennessee from their WPA excavations there.

Named for the Creek Indian town of Kasita near Columbus, Georgia, by Jesse Jennings and Charles Fairbanks. Also see Mission Red Filmed.

Named by Joseph Caldwell in his master's thesis after WPA excavations at Fort King George at Darien in McIntosh County near the mouth of the Altamaha River. Joseph Caldwell and his wife, Sheila Kelly Caldwell, eventually renamed this type as Altamaha Red Filmed presumably because this was an Indian pottery that definitely preceded the constructions of the Fort. This term should probably not be used. Related to Mission Red Film and Kasita Red Filmed.

Named by Marion Heimlich based upon work in the Guntersville Basin on the Tennessee River in northeastern Alabama. Not certain of the origin of the name.

This type is the same as Kasita Red Filmed. The name Mission Red Filmed was first given by Hale Smith for the Leon-Jefferson Complex in the Tallahassee area because it is associated with the Apalachee Indians who became converts under the Spanish missions. The vessels may be copy ware of Spanish vessels. Gordon Willey used the type name Kasita Red Filmed for similar material up the Chattahoochee River at the Fall Line.

Similar, but earlier than, Weeden Island Zoned Red. Named by Gordon Willey after the Pierce site, 8Fr14, in Franklin County, Florida.

This type was originally defined by John Goggin. Named for Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine, Florida.

The defining factor in St. Johns series is the temper. The temper in this type is diatomaceous earth that occurs along the St. Johns River and in the clay naturally.

A name used briefly by Sheila Caldwell for what was eventually named Altamaha Red Filmed. Named after the presumed Spanish Mission at Darien, near Fort King George.

Robert Wauchope defined this odd type. Named after Towaliga River in Monroe County.

Named after the Towaliga River. Robert Wauchope defined this type of material in Monroe County.

This type was defined by William Sears based upon his excavations at Kolomoki.

This type was originally defined by Gordon Willey for the Florida Gulf Coast. Named after the Weeden Island site, 8Pi1 in Pinellas County, Florida.