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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
5597 Larson, Lewis H. Results of Review of Notification of Intent to Apply for Federal Assistance, SASKS 074 OYN 000875 Forest River

On the basis of information obtained through archaeological survey, it seems unlikely that anything of historic or prehistoric significance would be affected by the completion of this project.

Cherokee County, GA 2002
5598 Larson, Lewis H. Results of Review of Notification of Intent to Apply for Federal Assistance, Public Notice #/3271/1149 Hayners Creek, Chatham County

On the basis of information obtained through archaeological survey, it seems unlikely that anything of historic or prehistoric significance would be affected by the completion of this project.

Chatham County, GA 1995
5599 Gresham, Thomas H., Pluckhahn, Thomas J. An Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of a 310 Acre Tract on Northern Skidaway Island, Chatham County, Georgia

Southeastern Archeological Services conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of a 310 acre (125.5 ha) tract on northern Skidaway Island for the firm of Hussey, Gay, Bell, and DeYoung, Inc, in June 1995. The land is owned by the University System of Georgia.

Chatham County, GA 1995
5600 Larson, Lewis H. Results of Review of Notification of Intent to Apply for Federal Assistance, SASKS 074 0YN 000865

On the basis of information obtained through archaeological survey, it seems unlikely that anything of historic or prehistoric significance would be affected by the completion of this project.

Cherokee County, GA 2003
5601 Larson, Lewis H. Results of Review of Notification of Intent to Apply for Federal Assistance, Shad River, Wilmington Island, Chatham Co., GA

On the basis of information obtained through archaeological survey, it seems unlikely that anything of historic or prehistoric significance would be affected by the completion of this project.

Chatham County, GA 1989
5602 DePratter, Chester B. Archaeological Survey Covering Southern Natural Gas Company's Proposed 30-inch Elba Island-Savannah Regulator Station Pipeline Route, Chatham County, Georgia and Jasper County, South Carolina

No sites of archaeological or historical importance were found in the affected area. The entire length of the route was checked from the air and all high ground areas were checked on foot. Although no sites were found during the survey, sites may be present in areas now covered by water or silt.

Chatham County, GA 1974
5603 Larson, Lewis H. Disposition of Property, Northeast Corner, Hunter Army Airfield

A member of the State Archaeologist Office conducted an on-site inspection of the disposal property. No archaeological sites were indicated by this review.

Cherokee County, GA 1988
5604 DePratter, Chester B. An Archaeological Survey of P.H. Lewis Property, Skidaway Island, Chatham County, Georgia

Skidaway Island is a coastal island located ten miles southeast of Savannah, Georgia. Until 1970, Skidaway could be reached only by boat, but, in that year, the state completed a bridge which connects the island with the mainland.

Chatham County, GA 1975
5605 Larson, Lewis H. Results of Review of Notification of Intent to Apply for Federal Assistance S-1787(9) Chatham County

On the basis of information obtained through archaeological survey, it seems unlikely that anything of historic or prehistoric significance would be affected by the completion of this project.

Chatham County, GA 1994
5606 Anderson, Nain E. Archaeological Survey Report, Georgia Department of Transportation, Environmental Analysis Bureau, American Cyanamid Dredge Project

A report that the project area had been filled at some point in the past was confirmed by the apparent burial of the old marsh surface. Traces of the marsh must now be below water table due to our not finding an organic level in the auger test before reaching the water table.

Cherokee County, GA 1992