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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
5027 Patch, Shawn M. Archaeological Survey of Project STP-M000-00(213), Calhoun, Dougherty, Grady, Lee, Miller and Seminole Counties

No existing or eligible National Register archaeological resources were located within the project's area of potential environmental effect.

Camden 1984
5028 Schnell, Frank T., Gordy, R. Donald An Archaeological Reconnaisance of the Candler County Landfill Property

The artifactual material recovered from the Candler County Landfill property area proved to be very meager. Although all of the material recovered was definitely aboriginal, only one component can definitely be identified. This is based on the one Savannah Check Stamped sherd.

Calhoun 1998
5029 Larson, Lewis H. Project PEI-16-1(70), Candler County

In the opinion of the staff archaeologist, the project is unlikely to affect any sites on or eligible to the National Register of Historic Places.

Candler 1998
5030 Rock, Carolyn An Archaeological Survey of Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Sites at Kings Bay, Camden County, Georgia

This report describes a survey of late nineteenth and early twentieth century archaeological sites located within the Naval Submarine Base at Kings Bay, Georgia.

Calhoun 1984
5031 Simpkins, Daniel L. Archaeological Reconnaissance Covenant Central Aquafactory of Georgia I Camden County, Georgia

This brief reconnaissance resulted in the identification of five archaeological sites. There are likely to be additional sites present within the project area.

Calhoun 1994
5032 Rock, Carolyn An Archaeological Survey of a Portion of the Family Housing Area, Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay, Georgia

An archaeological survey was conducted within the proposed FY89 Family Housing area at the Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay, Georgia. Surface reconnaissance and excavation of sixty-two 50x50 cm test pits was completed over a 40.6 hectare area in June 1988.

Randolph 1995
5033 Rock, Carolyn A Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Weed/Ready Street Effluent Line, St. Marys, Georgia

A cultural resource survey was conducted along the proposed Weed/Ready Street effluent line corridor in downtown St. Marys, Georgia.

Calhoun 1995
5034 Johnson, Robert E. Archaeological Monitoring of the Kings Bay Archaeological Multiple Resource Area: 1989

The following report presents the results of the annual archeological monitoring efforts for the year 1989.

Clay 1996
5035 Crook, Morgan Raymond Excavation and Reburial of Charles R. Farnham on Little Cumberland Island, Georgia

Charles R. Farnham was attached to the U.S.S. Braziliera as Signal Quartermaster. The Braziliera was serving blockading duty in St. Andrews Sound on November 21, 1863 when Farnham drowned when the dinghy he was aboard was swamped while enroute to Jekyll Island.

Lee 2000
5036 Garrow, Patrick H. Archaeological Survey of the Kingsland Sewerline Project, Camden County, Georgia

This report documents the results of the cultural resources survey for the Kingsland Sewerline Project, Camdem County, Georgia, for the Tribble & Richardson, Inc. No cultural resources were identified in the survey areas.

Candler 0