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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
3808 Pietak, Lynn Marie Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Greenbriar Town Center Streetscape Improvements, Fulton County, Georgia

The proposed project STP-0004-00(466) would consist of gateway improvements at Greenbriar Parkway and Continental Colony Parkway along with improvements at the intersection of Greenbriar Parkway and Headland Drive.

Fulton County, GA 2006
3809 Pomfret, James Archaeological Survey of Project PR000-S009-00(286), Chatham County

The proposed project would consist of grading, base, and paving on new alignment of Product Support Road to its intersection with SR 307. The project would also include a signal installation at its intersection with SR 307.

Chatham County, GA 2006
3810 Duff, Eric Anthony Archaeological Reassessment of Project STP-2921(4), Troup County

The proposed project would construct the South LaGrange Loop in Troup County. The proposed project would begin at SR 100 (Roanoke Road) and extend southerly/southeasterly to an end point at SR 19.

Troup County, GA 2006
3811 Bland, Myles, Johnston, Sidney P. An Intensive Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of the Cove at Old Red Bluff Parcel, Camden County, Georgia

During September of 2006 Bland & Associates, Inc. (BAI) conducted an intensive cultural resource assessment survey of the 184.91-acre Cove at Old Red Bluff parcel, in Camden County, Georgia.

Camden County, GA 2006
3812 Pietak, Lynn Marie, Quirk, Phillip W. Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Thornton Road Park and Ride Project Area, Cobb County, Georgia

In November 2006, Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc. (EPEI) conducted a Phase I archaeological survey of the proposed Thornton Road Park and Ride project area. The proposed project consists of constructing a park and ride lot facility on an 18.94-acre site located in Cobb County, Georgia.

Cobb County, GA 2006
3813 Battle, Daniel E., Owens, Daphne L. Archaeological Survey of Winder Intersection Improvements Along SR 211 at McNeal Road and Horton Street

At the intersection of SR 211, it is proposed that a left turn lane be installed on SR 211 at the eastbound approach to McNeal Road. Additionally, it is proposed that a signal be installed at the intersection.

Barrow County, GA 2006
3814 Silliman, Garrett W., Pietak, Lynn Marie Second Addendum to an Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Lewis Road Improvements Project Area, Cobb County, Georgia

No archaeological sites or isolated finds were recorded in the project area during the current undertaking or during the first addendum to the original project. During the initial survey, two archaeological sites, 9CO653 and 9CO654, were identified and recorded (Braley 2003:15).

Cobb County, GA 2006
3815 Gale, Sara H. Archeological Survey of Project BRST-079-1(37), Columbia County

The proposed project would consist of the replacement of the 195 by 30 ft reinforced concrete bridge along SR 47 over Keg Creek (see attached location map). The existing bridge would be replaced with a 195 by 44 ft reinforced concrete bridge.

Columbia County, GA 2006
3816 Sweeney, Alexander Y., Stallings, Patricia F. Archaeological and Historical Study Report Morgan Falls Project FERC #2237 Fulton and Cobb Counties, Georgia

During June and November 2005, and January 2006, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted historical research, archaeological reconnaissance, and limited surveys of shoreline areas in the Morgan Falls Hydroelectric Project (FERC #2237).

Cobb County, GA 2006
3817 Gale, Sara H. Archaeological Survey of Project STP-2688(4), Hall County

This project proposes to widen SR 347 from I-985 to McEver Rd. for a total of 1.7 mile. This project will create an urban roadway section consisting of two lanes in each direction divided by a 20 foot raised median. Concurrence was received following the original survey in August 2005.

Hall County, GA 2006