Caldwell, Joseph Ralston
Appraisal of the Archaeological Resources, Buford Reservoir in Hall, Forsyth, Dawson, and Gwinnett Counties
In recommending a certain amount of archeological excavation at Buford the purely scientific considerations have been tempered by the realization that this, after all, can be no more than an emergency salvage undertaking.
Dawson County, GA
Anderson, Nain E.
An Archaeological Survey of the Dahlonega Connector APD-056-2(1), Forsyth, Dawson, and Lumpkin Counties
The proposed project is located on the Atlanta Plateau of the Central Upland (LaForge, 1925). The northern end of the project is quite close to the Dahlonega Plateau at its border at Long Branch Creek.
Chattooga County, GA
Preliminary Case Report for the Determination of "No Adverse Effect" Project APD-056-2(1), Forsyth, Dawson, and Lumpkin Counties
The project begins at S.R. 306 in Forsyth County and proceeds northerly to a junction with S.R. 60 near Dahlonega. The facility will be nineteen miles long and will consist of four twelve-foot travel lanes, two in each direction. All intersections will be at-grade.
Chattooga County, GA
Bowen, William R.
Proposal for Data Recovery: 9Lu(DOT)1
9Lu(DOT)l is located on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' property on the north side of the Chestatee River and west of Long Branch Creek (Figure 1).
Chattooga County, GA
Garrow, Patrick H.
Proposal to Perform Archaeological Exacvations 9Lu(DOT)1, Lumpkin County, Proposal Number 712-ES
A mitigation plan has been assembled and approved for the 9Lu(DOT)l excavation. According to this mitigation plan, the first step will be to stake the DOT right-of-way to the west of the bridge. All excavation will be restricted to that right-of-way.
Chattooga County, GA
Alston, Robert L.
Request for Determination of Eligibilty for 9LU(DOT)1
Due to the preponderance of Woodstock types in the collected data, it has been concluded that the site is primarily from that period.
Chattooga County, GA
Riggs, Brett H., Elmendorf, Julia O.
An Archaeological Reconnaissance Of Three Borrow Areas, Nottely Dam, Union County
An archaeological reconnaissance was carried out on three tracts owned by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) within the Nottely Lake and Dam Reservation (Nottely). The tracts are proposed as sources for dirt fill to raise the embankment at the dam.
Chattooga County, GA
Baker, Charles Michael, Hall, Linda G.
An Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Shoreline Areas at Nottely Lake, Union County
An archaeological survey of areas that border Nottely Lake in Union County, Georgia, was conducted for the Tennessee ',.,'alley Authority in order to locate, identify, and evaluate any cultural resources that occur within the drawdown shoreline areas prior to a proposed land exchange by the U.S.
Gordon County, GA
Gardner, Jeffrey W., Hicks, Lacey M.
Phase I Archaeological Survey of Proposed Perimeter Center Parkway Extension, Dekalb County
In August 2000, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted Phase I archaeological survey of the proposed Perimeter Center Parkway extension improvements in DeKalb County, Georgia. Three alternatives were examined.
Walker County, GA
Bowen, William R.
An Cultural Survey for the Proposed U.S. 27 Relocation Chickamuga-Chattanooga National Military Park, Walker County
Georgia Department of Transportation and U.S. Department of the Interior Project MLP-813(l), Walker-Catoosa Counties, is the proposed relocation of existing U.S. 27 to the west from S.R.
Chattooga County, GA