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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
11446 Paglione, Teresa L. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRZLB-217(16), Newton County

Project begins 400 ft. west of creek and ends 400 ft. east of creek. New structure is a 4 barrel 10 ft. x 10 ft. x 75 ft. concrete bridge culvert. Required right of way is 80 ft. Co. Rd. 90 will be closed during construction, no on-site detour is proposed.

Newton County, GA 1990
11447 Bowen, William R. Archaeological Assessment of Project BHF-186-1(13), Paulding County

Lick Log Creek: Begin 315’ south of bridge; end 315’ north of bridge. Widen existing bridge to 44’. No right of way required. Grays Mill Creek: Begin 550’ south of bridge; end 315’ north of bridge. Widen existing bridge to 62.8;’ 35’ x 2’ strip of right of way required.

Paulding County, GA 1987
11448 Pappas, Andrew A., Falvey, Lauren W. Addendum to a Phase I archaeological Resources Survey of SR 120/Abbotts Bridge Road From Parsons Road to Primrose Parkway, Fulton County, Georgia.

Since the time of the original 2015 survey the design for PI No. 0012788 has undergone modification.

Fulton County, GA 2018
11449 Paglione, Teresa L. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRZLB-257(8), Stephens County

The existing structure is 37 feet long and 23.4 wide consisting of concrete abutments, steel beams, and a concrete deck. The required structure will consist of 50 feet of triple 9 x 8 box culvert.

Stephens County, GA 1990
11450 Paglione, Teresa L. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRZLB-015(13), Bartow County

Existing structure a 30’ x 16’ timber bridge. Existing right of way 40 feet. Begins approximately 600’ south of Two Run Creek. Ends approximately 1000’ north of Two Run Creek. New Structure a four barrel 10’ x 6’ bridge culvert. Road will be closed during construction.

Bartow County, GA 1990
11451 Entorf, Robert F. Archaeological Assessment of Project BHF-070-1(9), Treutlen County

Existing structure is a 130 ft. x 23.8 ft. concrete T-beam bridge existing R/W is 200 ft. Termini, description of new structure, required ROW, location of realignment or detour. The project begins approx. 200ft. south of the creek and ends approx. 200 ft. north of the creek.

Treutlen County, GA 1994
11452 Entorf, Robert F. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRS-0562(5), Thomas County

405' x 22' bridge on variable 80' to 180' r/w. bridge replacement with new structure being 405' x 38'; proposed detour on Southside of road proposed r/w would require 20' additional on both sides of the road

Thomas County, GA 1989
11453 Entorf, Robert F. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRF-066-1(26), Twiggs County

Site 1: 160’ x 44’ bridge. Site 2: 120’ x 44’ bridge. No potentially significant archaeological resources. Some wetland involvement.

Twiggs County, GA 1989
11454 Entorf, Robert F. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRZLB-287(6), Turner County

60’ x 21’ timber, steel and concrete structure. Proposed triple 9’ x 8’ x 38’ concrete bridge culvert on existing alignment. Eighty feet of right of way will be required for construction. Road will be closed during construction and other local roads will serve as detour.

Turner County, GA 1987
11455 Rotenstein, David S. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRSLB-1428(2), Troup County

160’ x 40’ bridge; no wetland involvement, no historic materials, no significant archaeological materials.

Troup County, GA 1986