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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
4787 Gresham, Thomas H. An Archaeological Survey of Seven Intersection Improvements in Cochran, Bleckley County, Georgia

On January 31, 2001 Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc. (SAS), archeologically surveyed seven intersections in downtown Cochran, the county seat of Bleckley County, Georgia (Figure 1).

Bleckley County, GA 2001
4788 Nielsen, Jerry T. Preliminary Report on an Archaeological Survey of the Heart of Georgia Planning and Development Commission Area

During the summer of 1965, Georgia State College, under contract to the Heart of Georgia Planning and Development Commission of Eastman, Georgia, conducted an archaeological survey of nine central Georgia counties, Bleckley, Dodge, Laurens, Montgomery, Pulaski, Telfair, Treutlen, Wheeler and Wilc

Bleckley County, GA 1966
4789 Carrillo, Richard F. Exploratory Excavations at Fort Hawkins, Macon, Georgia: An Early Nineteenth Century Military Outpost

Fort Hawkins was established in 1806 as a frontier military fort by the United States Army to deal with the Indians and was abandoned in 1821 (Butler 1879:59-60 and Dollar MS). The area where this fort was located is a historic site of local, state, and national significance.

Bibb County, GA 1971
4790 Smith, Hale G. Analysis of the Lamar Site (9Bi7) Materials at the Southeastern Archaeological Center

In the ceramic analysis of the Site, 261 sherds were handeled as a "surface collection." This material either had no provenience, the location had been lost or was actually collected as a general surface collection.

Bibb County, GA 1973
4791 Schnell, Frank T. Cultural Resource Walkover of Certain Portions of the Herbert Smart Airport, Macon, Georgia.

A cultural resource walkover was conducted at the Herbert Smart Airport, Macon, Georgia by a representative of the Columbus Museum of Arts and Sciences, Inc. on October 5 and 6, 1977.

Bibb County, GA 1978
4792 Larson, Lewis H., Adams, Robert J. Proposed Bridge over Ocmulgee River

This proposal does not fall within the scope of interest of this organization. This proposal is considered to be consistent with those State goals, policies, objectives, plans, programs and fiscal resources with which this organization is concerned.

Bibb County, GA 1974
4793 Larson, Lewis H. Project RS-U-0761(6), Bibb County

We are presently preparing an environmental impact statement for combined highway projects M-30E9(l) and S-0761, Bibb County. You have previously reviewed Project M-3059(l) and found that there were no historical or archaeological sites involved.

Bibb County, GA 1974
4794 Greer, Brian K., Grover, Jennifer E. 2000 Cultural Resources Surveys of Southern Pine Beetle Damaged Timber Salvage at Fort Stewart, In Bryan, Evans, Liberty, Long, and Tattnall Counties, Georgia

During the summer of 2000 Fort Stewart, Georgia began experiencing a Southern Pine Beetle (SPB) (Dendroctonus frontalis) infestation.

Bryan County, GA 2001
4795 Archeological Assessment of Navigator System for Hurricane Evacuation, Southeast Georgia

The archeological assessment included consultation with the Georgia Department of Transportation, the Georgia Archeological Site Files, and a field inspection of each location. According to GDOT records, all of 1-95 from the Florida border north to U.S.

Candler County, GA 2007
4796 Dickens, Roy S., Grable, Steve Archaeological and Historical Assessments of Properties Near Macon and Forsyth

Historical research on this property was conducted at the Georgia Department of Archives and History. Local, county, and state maps revealed that there had been no human settlement on the property since at least 1820. Local and county histories were also consulted.

Monroe County, GA 1978