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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
4617 Higginbotham, Brandon, Entorf, Robert F. Archaeological Assessment of Project STP-143-1(16), Appling County

The proposed project consists of shoulder paving on SR 144 in Appling County.

Appling County, GA 1996
4618 Entorf, Robert F., Fleming, Sherry Archaeological Assessment of Project STP-143-1(7), Appling County

The proposed project would consist of the resurfacing of SR 144 northeast of the city of Baxley. Also included in this project would be paving of the existing 0.6 m (2 ft) shoulders on SR 144. The project would begin at the intersection of SR 4 in Baxley and end at the intersection of SR 121.

Appling County, GA 1996
4619 Entorf, Robert F., Fleming, Sherry Archaeological Assessment of STP-097-1(28), Appling County

The proposed project consists of the paving of 0.6 m (2 ft) of the existing shoulders along SR 121 in Appling County. The project would begin at the intersection of SR 15 (MP 3.83) and would end at the intersection of SR 169 (MP 25.83).

Appling County, GA 1998
4620 Entorf, Robert F., Fleming, Sherry Archaeological Assessment of Project STP-0609(14), Pierce/Appling Counties

The proposed project would consist of the paving of the existing shoulders on SR 15 between the cities of Bristol and Baxley. The project would begin at the intersection of SR 32 in the city of Bristol and end at the intersection of CR 202 in the city of Baxley.

Appling County, GA 1996
4621 Entorf, Robert F., Fleming, Sherry Archaeological Assessment of Project STP-097-1(23), Appling County

The proposed project would consist of the paving of the existing shoulders on SR 121 just south of the Appling/Tattnall County line. The project would begin just south of the intersection of SR 169 (MP 25.78) and end at the Altamaha River Bridge (MP 26.66).

Appling County, GA 1996
4622 Shirk, Elizabeth C. Archaeological Assessment of Project STP-1144(11), Bacon/Appling/Wayne Counties

Project STP-1144(11) consists of shoulder paving, 0.6 m (2.0 ft) left and right, of SR 203 beginning at the Pierce/Bacon County line (m.p. 0.00) and continuing through Bacon and Appling Counties and ending in Pierce County at US 84/SR 38 (m.p. 11.40).

Appling County, GA 1997
4623 Shirk, Elizabeth C. Archaeological Assessment of Project NH-008-1 (61), Appling County

The proposed project consists of leveling, resurfacing, and shoulder paving, 0.6 m (2 ft) left and right, of S.R. 27/U.S. 341 beginning at the end of the 5-lane section east of Surrency (MP 21.34) and ending at the Wayne-Appling County line (MP 25.39).

Appling County, GA 1997
4624 Blackwelder, Jon R. Addendum to the Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Flat Shoals Road at Covington Bypass Intersection Improvements, Newton County, Georgia

Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) P.I. 0012646 is a proposed intersection improvements project at the CR 653/Covington Bypass and CR 181/Flat Shoals Road intersection approximately 1.5 miles southeast of the city of Porterdale in Newton County, Georgia.

Newton County, GA 2015
4625 Cultural Resources Survey of the Sinclair Hydro Project Baldwin, Hancock, and Putnam Counties, Georgia

The Georgia Power Company constructed and operates the Sinclair hydroelectric generating facility located on the Oconee River just north of Milledgeville. The 15,300 ac (6,070 ha) Lake Sinclair was formed by the completion of the Sinclair Dam in 1951.

Hancock County, GA 1992
4626 Blanton, Dennis B. An Archaeological Survey of the Upper Satilla River Basin

One hundred and fifteen sites were recorded in this survey of the Upper Satilla Basin. The sites are located along the Satilla River in Pierce and. Ware counties, Seventeen Mile Creek, Hog Creek, Hurricane Creek, Big Satilla Creed, and along smaller feeder streams in the basin.

Ben Hill County, GA 1978