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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
1031 Gresham, Thomas H. Archeological Testing of 9Le(SAS)2 Cobb-Warwick Transmission Line

This report presents the results of a limited testing program designed to determine the spatial and stratigraphic limits of a previously discovered prehistoric archeological site, 9Le(SAS)2.

Lee County, GA 1985
1032 Wynn, Jack T., Bruce, Rebecca E. Cultural Resources Inventory, Tallulah Ranger District, Rabun County, Georgia, Fy90/91

Cultural resources surveys have been conducted on the Tallulah Ranger District, Chattahoochee National Forest prior to Forest Service activities. These surveys were located in portions of compartments 32, 37, 38, 43, 44, 48, 50, 51, 57, 62, 63, 64, 65, and 106 in Rabun County, Georgia.

Rabun County, GA 1992
1033 Rogers, Ronnie H. Cultural Resources Survey of the Blairsville Wastewater Project, Brasstown District, Chattahoochee National Forest, Union County, Georgia

The city of Blairsville, Georgia, proposes to construct a wastewater treatment system on approximately 40.5 ha (100 acres) of U. S. Forest Service property north of the city.

Union County, GA 1992
1034 Gresham, Thomas H. Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Sharpsburg 115/12 Kv Substation and Tap Transmission Line, Coweta County, Georgia

An intensive cultural resources survey was conducted at a 4 ha (10 ac) substation and along a 1.6 km (1 mi) length of 27 m (90 It) wide transmission line proposed for the eastern portion of Coweta County.

Coweta County, GA 1992
1035 Braley, Chad O., Wood, Karen Green An Archeological and Historical Survey of a Fifteen Acre Tract in Roswell, Fulton County, Georgia

An intensive archeological survey of a fifteen acre tract south of Roswell, Georgia located one site, the ruins of Ivy Mill (9FU228). Archival work establishes that the mill was originally constructed in 1856.

Fulton County, GA 1992
1036 Wheaton, Thomas R. A Phase I Archeological Survey of the SR 120 Road Widening Project

In July 1992, New South Associates conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey of the SR 120 road widening project for Moreland Altobelli Associates, Inc. The project consists of the symmetrical widening and reconstruction of SR 120 between SR 9 and SR 400.

Fulton County, GA 1992
1037 Benson, Robert W. A Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Leesburg By-pass and Highway 19 Widening, Lee County, Georgia

The Georgia Department of Transportation contracted with Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc. to survey a proposed bypass around the city of Leesburg and the widening of U.S.

Lee County, GA 1992
1038 Gresham, Thomas H. Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Northeast Emanuel Substation and Tap Transmission Line, Emanuel and Burke Counties, Georgia

In compliance with federal regulations, Oglethorpe Power Corporation sponsored a cultural resources survey of a proposed 1.6 ha (4 ac) substation tract and 6.1 km (3.8 mi) transmission line right-of-way near the town of Midville in Emanuel and Burke Counties, Georgia.

Burke County, GA 1992
1039 Walling, Richard, Moore, Shari D. Cultural Resources Survey of Selected Areas Within the Armuchee Ranger District, Chattahoochee National Forest, Chattooga, Gordon, Walker, and Whitfield Counties, Georgia

In compliance with federal laws and regulations, a cultural resources survey was conducted within selected tracts of the Chattahoochee National Forest, Armuchee Ranger District, Chattooga, Gordon, Walker, and Whitfield Counties, Georgia.

Chattooga County, GA 1992
1040 Reed, Mary Elizabeth, Wheaton, Thomas R. An Archeological Survey of the Kennedy Parkway Project, Cobb County, Georgia

On December 4, 5, and 6, 1991 and on March 13, 1992, New South Associates conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey of the Kennedy Parkway highway project near the intersection of I-75 and I-285 in Cobb County, Georgia for Moreland Altobelli Associates.

Cobb County, GA 1992