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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
13410 Malphurs, Peter Archaeological Assessment of Project TSAP-1(102), Troup County

Purpose is to extend the existing 9’ x 9’ bridge culvert 30 ft. to the west side and 73 ft. to the east side of the roadway. Place approximately 5400 cu. Yds. Of fill material below the 100-year highwater elevation covering approximately 1 acre.

Troup County, GA 1979
13411 Duff, Eric Anthony Archaeological Assessment of a Muscogee County Resurfacing Project, CSSTP-M003-00(667)

Archaeological Assessment of a Muscogee County Resurfacing Project: the proposed project consists of resurfacing, leveling, milling, and shoulder building on SR 219 beginning at SR 1 and ending at the Harris/Muscogee County Line (MP 8.601 or 0.315 mile north of Butts Mill Road).

Muscogee County, GA 2007
13412 Cox, Jonathan Archaeological Assessment of a District 2 Resurfacing Project, CSSTP-M003-00(765)

Archaeological Assessment of a District 2 Resurfacing Project: the proposed project would consist of the milling, resurfacing, leveling, patching, shoulder building, and shoulder paving on SR 24 in Baldwin County, Georgia.

Baldwin County, GA 2007
13413 Alston, Robert L. Archaeological Survey Report of HHS-026-3(30) Tift County Clearinghouse No. 77-05-13-01

The project involves widening and improvements at a high hazard stream crossing over Little River west of Tifton on U.S. 82 - S.R. 50 (Fig. 1). The three bridges and approaches will be widened on the south side, requiring a maximum of 22 feet of additional right-of-way.

Tift County, GA 1977
13414 McCarley, Billy J. Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Grace Telecommunications Facility in Milledgeville

Subterranean Consultants (STC) conducted a Phase I archaeological survey of the proposed lease area and access/utility easement of the Grace telecommunication facility on January 27, 2019.

Baldwin County, GA 2019
13415 Hart, Barry D. Archaeological Assessment of Project BHF-005-5(11), Chatham County

The proposed structure will be 392’ x 80,’ and the bridge will be widened. The project will not require any additional right of way.

Chatham County, GA 1985
13416 Fleming, Sherry Archaeological Assessment of Project OSAP-98-4(10), Dougherty County

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, and the Georgia Environmental Policy Act of 1991, project OSAP-98-4(10), Dougherty County has been surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclus

Dougherty County, GA 1998
13417 Bowen, William R. Archaeological Survey of County Bridge Project BRF-004-1(33), Muscogee County

Georgia DOT Project # BRF-004-1(33) is an in-place bridge replacement project at Central of Georgia Railroad Yard at 13th Street in Muscogee County (Columbus Georgia), District 3. Because the project is in place, no new areas will be impacted.

Muscogee County, GA 1979
13418 Gifford, Rebecca Archaeological Assessment of Project NH-20-1(46), Douglas County, Interchange at I-20 and Chapel Hill Road

The subject project concept has changed in the following way: Access to a landlocked parcel of land is being provided. The reason for the change is: Above Plans are attached with change highlighted.

Douglas County, GA 1992
13419 Crawford, Peggy L. Archaeological Survey of Project M-9091, Dekalb County

The proposed project would improve State Route 11/US 129 from County Road 5419/Jenkins Road in the Town of Cleveland, White County through Lumpkin County to State Route 180 in Union County. The existing dirt shoulders are variable from 0.6 to 2.4 meters (2 to 8 feet).

DeKalb County, GA 1978