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Report Abstracts

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
1911 Trinkley, Michael K., Campo, Rachel Fort Stewart 9: An Archaeological Survey of Natural Resource Management Units A6.4, A8.1, and B24.4, Fort Stewart, Bryan, and Liberty Counties, Georgia

This study represents an intensive archaeological survey of 3 areas in Bryan and Liberty counties. The survey areas are Natural Resource Management Units A6.4, A8. 1, and B24.2.

Bryan County, GA 1999
1912 Bland, Myles An intensive Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of the Proposed County Road 345 Right of WAY, Telfair County.

On August 31 and September 1 1999, an intensive cultural resource assessment survey was conducted by Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) of Jacksonville, Florida of a proposed County Road (CR) right-of-way (ROW) in Telfair County, Georgia.

Telfair County, GA 1999
1913 Ledbetter, Jerald Archaeological Testing of Sites 9Ge119, 9Ge 1665, 9Ge1667 on Reynolds Plantation, Greene County, Georgia.

Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc. (SAS) conducted archeological testing of sites 9GE119, 9GE1665, and 9GE1667 on Reynolds Plantation on Lake Oconee during the month of July 1998.

Greene County, GA 1999
1914 Oakley, Carey B. A Cultural Resource Inventory of the Northern Expansion of the Charlie Brown Airport

The firm of Archaeological Consultants, Inc. conducted a cultural resource survey of an area proposed for the expansion of the Charlie Brown Airport. This property lies north of the present airport, east of Sandy Creek and west of U.S. 278/78 and an adjoining public housing project.

Fulton County, GA 1985
1915 Smith, Greg C., Bland, Myles A Cultural Assessment Survey of the Maple Hill Tract, Dougherty County, Georgia

During February 1998, a cultural resource assessment survey was conducted by Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) of a tract associated with the proposed Maple Hill Landfill in Dougherty County, Georgia.

Dougherty County, GA 1998
1916 Elliott, Rita F., Cowie, Sarah Archaeological Survey and Testing of the Bartram Trail Tract, Columbia County, Georgia.

This report describes Phase I archaeological survey of roughly 1,000 acres on Uchee Creek in Columbia County, Georgia, and Phase II testing of three sites located on that tract. The Euchee Creek Investors plan to develop the tract with residential neighborhoods and a golf course.

Columbia County, GA 1999
1917 Sweeney, Alexander Y., Huddleston, Connie M. Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act Preliminary Compliance Report For the Tugalo Site(9St1) Hartwell Lake, Georgia

None Present.

Stephens County, GA 2000
1918 Sluss, Alison, Butler, C. Scott Archaeological Testing and Data Recovery Excavatons at Bulloch Hall (9Fu255), Fulton County, Georgia

In March and May 1998, Brockington and Associates, Inc. conducted archaeological testing and data recovery excavations in specific areas at Bulloch Hall (9FU255), Fulton County, Georgia. Other excavations completed by volunteers during the last two years are also described in this report.

Fulton County, GA 2000
1919 Mozingo, Dea Archaeological Resources Survey of the Pate Road - Interstate 75 Interchange Monroe Coutny, Georgia

On January 6th and 7th of 2000 Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an archaeological resources survey for an interchange widening project in Henry County, Georgia for Kisinger Campo & Associates, Corp. This survey included archival research and archaeological field survey.

Monroe County, GA 2000
1920 Southerlin, Bobby G. Archaeological Survey of a 1.4 Mile Segment of Georgia State Route 17/115 Habersham County

In August 1999, Brockington and Associates, Inc. conducted an archaeological survey of a 1.4 mile segment of SR 17/115 in Habersham County, Georgia. Proposed improvements for this segment of highway consist of widening on the north side of SR 17/115.

Habersham County, GA 1999